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I’VE been looking forward to the Transit of Mercury all year. As the planet of communicat­ion passes across the face of the Sun, it is linked to the last time it completed this dramatic event in 2016. Much has changed since then. But although we’re ‘better connected’, we’re also more isolated and entrenched in our views. Today reminds us that we all live under one Sun and must plan for the future accordingl­y.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20

PEOPLE who speak up against authority are often labelled as troublemak­ers. Yet sometimes, when their cause strikes a chord with others who feel disillusio­ned, they can be recast as the heroes of the masses; while the people in power are viewed as villains, who will do anything to maintain their position. The Transit of Mercury brings you the vision to see the difference between someone’s good and bad impulses. Speak from your heart and you’ll find yourself in a position of powerful influence. This week starts with a rare Transit of Mercury. For your light-shedding, worry-quashing forecast, call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21

YOU’VE been searching for a solution for a while. Although you haven’t yet had a ‘Eureka!’ moment, through a thoughtful process of eliminatio­n, you’ve tiptoed towards a new understand­ing of the problem. Now, it’s time to test your theory. Today, as Mercury, the planet of commerce and communicat­ion, transits the face of the Sun, try placing more weight on your potential solution. Will it hold? There’s no way to know without giving it a go! But the outcome looks very promising. Today’s Transit of Mercury highlights dynamic changes. Find out how to change your life for the better! Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22

NOT only is our planet travelling around the Sun at great speed, it’s spinning around its own axis. No wonder we often feel as if we’re going round in circles! Day after day, we repeat the same routines. We wake up . . . eat, drink, talk and work, filling our days with similar things, until it’s time for bed. We’re constantly replenishi­ng our physical and emotional needs. Yet today is different. As Mercury transits the Sun, you can achieve something that makes a big difference to your future.

Give yourself the best present ever, as your ruler, Mercury, transits the Sun today. For priceless insight, call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 - July 23

BACK in the olden days, whenever a teacher walked into a classroom, all the pupils had to stand up. It goes without saying that the same regard would not have been shown to a student who arrived late for class. It seems some people are in positions which demand respect, while others are more easily ignored. You’ve been feeling unapprecia­ted for the effort you’ve been channeling into a project. The Transit of Mercury brings a change of perception. Enjoy the respect you deserve. Today’s rare Transit of Mercury brings positive change! There’s great news in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 - Aug 23

IN SOME corners of planet Earth, where the Sun doesn’t set in summertime, people long for those dark winter nights. We’re taught to associate light with positivity and darkness negativity. In reality, we need to have a balance of the two. As you try to resolve a disparity in your world, remember that extreme actions won’t offer satisfying solutions. The Transit of Mercury is a reminder to allow things to settle down. When you focus on what you need to achieve, you’ll make the winning move. Be ready for a special week as today’s Transit of Mercury brings potential transforma­tion. Find out more. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23

WISDOM and clarity are qualities you value. Yet you also understand that when winds of change blow up storms of doubt, we all tend to cling on to lifebuoys of assumption. Although these kind of dramatic moments are challengin­g, they’re rich experience­s that teach us about resilience. As your ruler, Mercury, transits the Sun today, it brings the perception to see how well you’ve coped with a challenge. It’s time to raise your sails and set out with confidence; you’re on the route towards treasure. This week holds powerful potential. As your ruler crosses the face of the Sun today, make it really special. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23

A STATE of equilibriu­m is a fine thing, especially when you’re born under the sign of the scales. You appreciate moderation and balance, and strive to create it in your life. Yet when people criticise those who conform to society’s norms, while others speak out about the folk who hang out on the margins of society, staying calmly balanced in the middle isn’t always an easy thing to do. The Transit of Mercury indicates a harmonious way to proceed into the future. Focus on what’s fair. Today’s Transit of Mercury brings powerful positive energy and hope! There’s great news in your forecast. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22

AS MERCURY, the planet of communicat­ion and commerce, transits the Sun, in your sign, it’s time to forget whatever you’re trying to remember. There’s a very high chance that it’s not as important as you think it is. If it needs to be remembered, you’ll be gently steered back towards the answer you seek. Meanwhile, here comes an opportunit­y to appreciate a part of your life, or a relationsh­ip, that you’ve been overlookin­g. Whatever you give your full attention to today will flourish. Choose well!

Maximise the energy available. Let today’s Transit of Mercury positively transform your world. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 - Dec 21

CAN you make a date with destiny? Surely these kinds of meetings were scheduled years ago; forged in the time-space continuum? Since fate is part of the fabric of the universe, negotiatin­g with it must be beyond the realms of possibilit­y? Yet an energy that encompasse­s eternity doesn’t waste time separating moments from moments. As Mercury transits the Sun, it’s the moment to re-evaluate and reconsider your destiny. If you set your target, your aim will be perfect. How will today’s Transit of Mercury transform your life? There’s inspiring news when you, call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

‘IF you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands.’ It’s one of those songs we learn at some stage of our childhood. What a great song . . . it teaches us about the infectious­ness of joy. We learn that once one person has started clapping their hands, everyone joins in. Fun is contagious. When we share even a small amount of happiness, we start a wave that spreads further than we could ever imagine. As Mercury transits the Sun today, it encourages your sense of humour. Spread the joy!

Wonderful opportunit­ies arise as today’s Transit of Mercury energises your life. For great news, call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19

SINCE Paul’s conversion, on the road to Damascus, his story has been used to illustrate sudden changes of heart. Such moments are rare, but the recognitio­n that they happen is part of our psyche. Where, in your world, has someone been holding on to an entrenched position? Are they fearful of being judged to be inconsiste­nt if they back down? The Transit of Mercury brings you the insight to understand someone’s discomfort and suggest a way to bring harmony. Let today’s Transit of Mercury guide you to the future you’re yearning for. Bring happiness into your life. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20

THERE are two sides to your persona. Actually, there are two sides to everyone’s persona. Every single person on planet Earth has at least two different sides to their personalit­y. Which means that there are a mind-boggling 14 billion different characters trying to work out how to thrive and live well together. It’s no wonder things change depending on how we look at them! The Transit of Mercury enables you to be certain that you’re looking at a situation from the right perspectiv­e. Let today’s Transit of Mercury transform your world. For the key to the future you deserve, call 0906 751 5612.

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