Daily Mail

Well done, Mail! Now keep up the political pressure


CONGRATULA­TIONS on the Daily Mail’s superb election coverage. It was the icing on the cake after a General Election that almost miraculous­ly did everything I hoped for: Jeremy Corbyn consigned to the dustbin of history along with the MPs who tried to wreck Brexit.

Labour and the Lib Dems have been humiliated. The national nightmare is at an end and we have a Prime Minister who is determined to carry out his solemn promise to his voters.

It augurs well for the next five years: a government in the interest of the people instead of selfish parliament­arians. I look forward to 2020 with hope of action and not the dread of political stasis.

MICHAEL SOLAN, Chester-le-Street, Co. Durham. THE Mail’s relentless, explicit and well-argued campaign exposing the dangerous madness of Corbyn’s nonsense must have played an important part in the magnificen­t General Election result. Well done!

STUART BLADON, Milford-on-Sea, Hants. CONGRATULA­TIONS to the Mail for highlighti­ng the disastrous policies that Jeremy Corbyn would have heaped on this country. I’m sure that your campaign persuaded people to vote for the Tories.

I only hope that they keep to their promise and give the people who live in deprived areas the help and support that they have been promised. Mrs J. GASCOIGNE,

Birmingham. I WANT to congratula­te the Mail on strong and clear messages before the General Election, and clear reporting on the results and what it means for us.

K. BENNETT, Fowey, Cornwall. THANK you to the Mail for driving home the message about Brexit, which helped the Conservati­ves to win. Now keep up the good work by putting pressure on Boris Johnson not to cave in to Macron and Merkel.

MARTYN HARRIS, Macclesfie­ld, Cheshire.

IT WAS an absolute joy reading the Mail’s post-election coverage. GEOFF BURN, Cambridge.

Minister for sense

BRAVO, Richard Littlejohn (Mail). As always, you captured and understood the mood of us ‘thick idiots’. What a lovely, different world I woke up to on Friday morning. Boris is back with bells on.

How about appointing Littlejohn for the new post of minister for common sense?

SUSIE BAKER, address supplied. RICHARD LITTLEJOHN’S column said everything that I, and probably half the nation, wanted to get across regarding Brexit.

The crass arrogance of the Remainers thinking their opinions were superior to those of us who voted Leave was beyond belief. There are few places where the common man can be heard; Littlejohn has done it in our stead.

ROB CARDY, address supplied. LIKE millions of others, I had no choice who to vote for. Regardless of political loyalties, there was only one option. Corbyn and Swinson committed electoral suicide. I voted Leave and never wavered.

The electorate gave the politician­s who dared to defy the democratic vote what they had coming — oblivion. The metropolit­an elites who looked down on those who voted Leave are now not so chipper. A word of warning, however, to Boris: do not disrespect those who gave you their vote. Get Brexit done.

JEFF DAVISON, Stanmore, Gtr London.

Pride restored

I WOKE up on Friday morning proud to be English. By voting Boris into power with a massive majority, we have shown all those Remainer MPs that they should never ignore the people they are meant to represent.

May I also congratula­te the Daily Mail for fair and truthful coverage of the campaign. NOELLE MITCHELL, Birmingham.

Blunkett’s bombshell

WELL said, David Blunkett. Let’s hope that the whole of the Labour Party reads your article in the Mail and acts upon it. I grew up in a Labour household, but a millionpou­nd offer would not have made me vote for Jeremy Corbyn.

NAME SUppLIED, Southampto­n.

Fair play campaign

THE main reason for the astounding Conservati­ve victory is not Brexit. It is because the majority of people in this country are honourable, hard-working, patriotic and pragmatic, with a profound desire for fair play and justice.

This is why they shunned the Opposition’s attempts to trash the democratic referendum result. This is why they have no time for the anti-Semitic rabble that has infected Labour. This is why they never believed shaking the money tree would solve problems.

The Conservati­ves have shown they believe in the right of everyone to be the champion of their own life and that the people’s respect and trust must be earned, not taken for granted. CHRISTINA BURTON, Eastbourne, E. Sussex. I REALISE that some people may have had to hold their noses to vote Conservati­ve in the General Election, but they won’t regret it. After Boris gets Brexit done, we can return to normal life without the continual spite and bile of the Remoaner minority.


Voters had their say

I LOVED the headline on Dominic Sandbrook’s incisive Saturday essay: ‘We love our country. Corbyn never understood that. Boris did. And that is why he won.’

The arrogant know-alls threw everything at us to try to stop Brexit. They should know now that the voters will always have the final say.

Name and address supplied.

On your bike, Caroline

IF THE Westminste­r parties each went on an away day, the Tory MPs could fit on an express train, Labour on a commuter train, the SNP on a coach, the Lib Dems in a mini-bus and Caroline Lucas could go on her bike.

LESLIE MUTCH, Dingwall, Ross & Cromarty.

Listen to the North

WELL done, Boris. Your snap visit to Sedgefield to thank those constituen­cies that moved across to the Conservati­ves was a nice touch.

It’s important that you listen to them carefully, Boris. They will tell you far more about what wants fixing in this country than those who are entrenched in London and the Home Counties. ALAN STACKMAN,

Calne, Wilts.

 ??  ?? What a result! Boris Johnson and his partner Carrie Symonds
What a result! Boris Johnson and his partner Carrie Symonds

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