Daily Mail

Big Ben won’t bong Britain out of Europe


PATRIOTS hoped its bongs would signal the UK’s freedom from the EU.

But Big Ben will not ring out for Brexit at the end of the month after projected costs reached half a million pounds.

The campaign to ring the 13-ton bell at 11pm on January 31 – the date Britain will officially exit the European Union – was led by Conservati­ve MP Mark Francois and supported by 60 MPs.

But a meeting of the House of Commons Commission yesterday was told the costs were now estimated at £500,000 – more than four times the original £120,000 projected. This is because the floor that supports the temporary equipment used to strike Big Ben, which is under renovation, would need to be reinstalle­d.

A disappoint­ed Mr Francois said: ‘What was the cost of it chiming on New Year’s Eve? What was the cost of it chiming on Remembranc­e Sunday?

‘I’ve already offered to go up Big Ben myself, ably assisted by Bill Cash, ring the bell myself, to save money. If all else fails, the BBC must have a recording of Big Ben chiming they could play at 11pm at no cost whatsoever to taxpayers.’

He added: ‘I think the general public will be disappoint­ed with this decision.’

Big Ben has only chimed for significan­t national events since restoratio­n work started in 2017. But a Commission source told the Daily Telegraph: ‘No one in the meeting thought it was worth spending £500,000 on having Big Ben strike the hour on one occasion.

‘When you consider what else that money could be spent on, it’s very hard to make an argument in favour of it.’

Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage had planned to host a lavish party in Parliament Square to watch Big Ben’s bongs on January 31 ring out. Ten thousand Leave supporters were expected to attend but it is now unclear how the Commission’s decision will affect the plans.

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