Daily Mail

We’ve reversed our type 2 diabetes and you can too


ShAne WiLcOck, 39, a manager at an electrical wholesaler, lives with wife emma, 39, and daughters eva, nine and Mya, six, in Boston, Lincs. Shane says: FOUR years ago, my eating habits were out of control. If I saw a two-for-£10 meal offer, I’d eat both. At my heaviest I weighed 17st, which at nearly 6ft meant I was very overweight. After suffering dizzy spells and confusion, I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. I knew I didn’t want to go on to diabetes medication in my mid-30s. So I decided to beat it by intermitte­nt fasting and cutting my calories to 500 a day and taking up cycling. The weight dropped off me within six months. I went from a size 36-38 waist to a size 28. I’m now 12st 10lb. In 2017, I had a diabetes review and was told that all my blood sugars were within the normal range. tiM BeAn, 52, is a marketing consultant living with his wife Sarah, a teaching assistant, and son Oscar, 16, in Berkshire. tim says:

THIS time last year I weighed 21½ stone. I was on five blood pressure tablets, plus metformin for being pre-diabetic.

My weight crept up steadily over 25 years. As a young man I was sporty, but as my job became busier, I started skipping five-a-side and badminton and grabbing takeaways.

My GP said he was concerned I was type 2 diabetic and might not make my 70s. He suggested Professor Roy Taylor’s 12-week regime of three daily 200-calorie shakes or soups.

I began last March and lost 40lb. Since then, I’ve got down to 17st 7lb. My target is 15st 7lb. I have now come off metformin and have been able to stop taking four of my blood pressure tablets.

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