Daily Mail

Should the minor Royals earn their own keep?


PRINCE Harry and Meghan say they want to be independen­t and not have to rely on money from taxpayers. This is a laudable intention, but what will be the reality of their new life? They may think they can make a good living by presenting worthy documentar­ies and supporting good causes, but in order to finance their lavish lifestyle, will they be lured into the chat show circuit, like Sarah Ferguson, and embarrassi­ng sponsorshi­p deals, like Harry’s cousin, Peter Phillips?

M. SPRINGER, Reading, Berks. THE Royals are damned if they do and damned if they don’t. Peter Phillips is not living on the state and is earning his own way, so leave him alone.

MARY WIEDMAN, Piccotts End, Herts.

HOW lucky Peter Phillips was to be brought up on milk from Jersey cows. He’s a wonderful advert for it. Like him, I drink a pint of organic, whole milk a day.

CAROL JEWELL, Lindfield, W. Sussex. WHY all the fuss about Peter Phillips and Lady Kitty Spencer earning a few bob by trading on their royal status? As long as they are not a drain on the public purse, then good luck to them in their various money-making ventures.

TOM WALSH, Woking, Surrey.

APPARENTLY, the Queen is appalled that Peter Phillips and Kitty Spencer have been using their royal connection­s to advertise products. She reportedly said she learned about it in the Daily Mail, which she declared to be Britain’s best newspaper by far and excellent value at only 70p per day.

JOHN WHAPSHOTT, Westbury, Wilts. YES, the lesser Royals are milking their connection in the greedy, commercial, promotions game, but then so are many TV soap stars, gameshow hosts and reality show celebritie­s who do voice-overs and adverts. Take Michael Parkinson and Yorkshire Tea. Surely, he is comfortabl­e in his retirement after his career as a TV chat show interviewe­r and flogging tea is a bit of a come-down, but I expect it is a good little earner. Could Yorkshire Tea reduce its prices and give its factory workers a pay increase if they didn’t pay for a celebrity endorsemen­t? Does anyone really believe the Royals use the products they promote? Surely, they are not upmarket enough for them.

CAROL HORNE, Liverpool.

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