Daily Mail

Should the rest of the EU be jealous of our imminent Brexit breakaway?


AS A Brexiteer, I was overjoyed after reading the Mail’s Saturday Essay by Alexander von Schoenburg, editor-at-large of the German newspaper, Bild. I welcome his opinion about our departure from the EU and our chances of moving ahead of Europe in the near future. The EU is stagnating and unless it changes, it will collapse. Three of its major member countries seem to have the same problems we had in the 1970s, and would have had again if Jeremy Corbyn had been elected. Despite the doomsayers, our chances of success are good, proving we’ve made the right decision.

IAN VERDON, Watford, Herts. The article by Alexander von Schoenburg is encouragin­g for our soon-to-be independen­t sovereign nation. it’s been a long wait, but we now have a top-quality Prime Minister with a clear plan for the future of our nation. The

last thing Brussels wants is for us to make a success of Brexit because it may encourage other states to follow us to the exit door. Spain, France and Germany are teetering on the brink of recession, so we could be witnessing the beginning of the end of the European project and the unelected bureaucrat­s who run the show. The next five years will be interestin­g.

ALEC BRIGGS, address supplied.

WHY don’t our politician­s talk like Alexander von Schoenburg? His upbeat assessment of our economy and strength for the future reads like an election manifesto — one that our MPs seem unable to espouse. Wake up, Westminste­r: make us proud and Europe even more jealous of our can-do and will-do approach.


Newquay, Cornwall. LEAVING the EU later this week marks the start, not the end, of Brexit. We will shortly lose the benefit of hundreds of internatio­nal agreements, covering everything from trade and intelligen­ce sharing to food standards and airline safety. We will then have to spend years renegotiat­ing what we are throwing away just to get back to where we are today. What a pointless waste. Whatever happens with Brexit, one thing is certain: Boris Johnson and his fellow Brexiteers are responsibl­e. On their heads be it.


THIS Friday, I will raise a glass of Scottish whisky to liberation from the bureaucrat­ic monster that has curbed our freedom for more than 40 years. The EU has devastated our fishing industry, left our borders wide open, bled us dry financiall­y, overruled our laws as a sovereign nation and treated us with scorn when we threatened to leave. I mean no disrespect to the many Europeans whose friendship and hospitalit­y I have enjoyed.

BILL WILLIAMS, Swindon, Wilts.

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