Daily Mail



THERE’S a saying: ‘The heart wants what the heart wants.’ It’s sometimes hard to understand why. But as Venus prepares to enter Aries on Friday, there’s one thing I’m sure about: our hearts will want! The planet of love’s new position will light a fire that yearns for fuel and encourages action rather than meticulous planning. So, we can at least plan for being unplanned. Mercury’s links today help us to look before we leap.


Mar 21 - Apr 20 FAIRYTALES aren’t exactly representa­tive of real life. For one thing, they tend to end ‘happily ever after’. But, how does anyone ever achieve lasting happiness? ‘For ever’ is a very long time — and happiness is a transient emotion; it’s impossible to hang on to it. Neverthele­ss, upcoming astrologic­al developmen­ts suggest that positive emotions will be accessible to you over the coming weeks. As Venus prepares to move into your sign, don’t ask too many questions — just enjoy it. Call now for a forecast that could transform your life! For news about love and romance, call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 THERE’S a common mispercept­ion that level-headed individual­s don’t lose their temper. But everyone has a trigger — a unique set of circumstan­ces that are likely to make them blow their top. We’ve all been there. Suddenly, all our carefully created, practical plans and considerat­ions have gone out the window and we’re left to deal with a series of emotionall­y charged decisions. If someone’s trying to wind you up today, don’t let them succeed. You can rise, serenely, above it all.

For news on how you can benefit from the rich opportunit­ies that February holds for you, call 0906 751 5602.


May 22 - June 22 AS THE symbol of your sign suggests, Geminis are renowned for their ability to see two sides to every story. Yet, the story you’re currently seeing is even more complicate­d than that. There’s your opinion and their opinion. There’s your opinion of their opinion, then their opinion of your opinion — and then, there’s your opinion of their opinion of your opinion! Does it never end? Why does everything have to be so difficult? In situations like this, the simplest solution will cut to the chase. Your in-depth, monthly forecast could be one of the most rewarding calls you ever make. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 - July 23 IT’S a wonderful feeling to be ‘in the flow’. When the person you’ve just been thinking of calls you, or the bus unexpected­ly turns up at the bus stop in time to get you where you need to be. But there’s a more challengin­g way of being in the flow, too. That’s when we keep finding ourselves in the apparently ‘wrong’ place, at the ‘wrong’ time. Yet, those moments also hold the potential for magic. As Mercury and Uranus link, stay open to more quirky ideas about what’s right and wrong. To hear valuable informatio­n about potential changes you can make in your emotional life this month, call 0906 751 5604.


July 24 - Aug 23 EVEN though we’ve still got some time to go before Valentine’s Day, I want to talk to you about love. Not particular­ly the romantic kind. The message is more about the power and success that you can experience when you allow yourself really to enjoy doing what you’re doing. The ability to love life unreserved­ly, without expecting anything in return, leads to greater enjoyment and satisfacti­on. No matter what you’re doing, the key is to appreciate it. Try that today and you’ll be delighted. Your powerful prediction for the whole of February is ready. For inspiring insight, call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23 IT WASN’T so long ago that people believed children should be seen but not heard. Luckily, no one dares advocate those views today. Yet, while there’s little doubt that this perspectiv­e is outdated, the uncomforta­ble truth remains: although children are adorable, they can also be extremely annoying! This can be said of most things in our world. As Mercury, your ruler, links with Uranus, before you leap straight into the arms of a ‘perfect’ opportunit­y, make sure that all really is as it seems. February is going to be a special month for you. For four minutes of life-changing news, call 0906 751 5606.


Sep 24 - Oct 23 HOW is your sleep at the moment? Did you wake up feeling well refreshed and jump out of bed ready to meet the new day? Unless your answer is yes, it’s unlikely that you’re still appreciati­ng last night’s slumber. Sleeping is just one of those things that we have to do repeatedly. Like the food that we eat, the effect doesn’t last very long. We have lots of needs that have to be addressed daily. You’re in a position where you can lean on a past success to take you forward. For encouragin­g news about what February holds for you, call your NEW month-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22 IF YOU’VE ever phoned up to vote for your favourite performer on a TV show, it’s unlikely that you’ve heard a voice say: ‘Your vote has been registered. But did you really mean to support person X? Person Y is much better.’ Everyone’s entitled to their own opinion; which is fine, until someone thinks they’re entitled to think that your opinion is wrong! If there’s a dispute taking place in your world, you have the key to fix it. Just sit back, take a tolerant approach and watch how ideas start to mellow. Make your dreams come true this February. For promising news about love and romance, call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 - Dec 21 DO you have the right to judge anyone? Do you have the equivalent of a bejewelled throne, which empowers you with the ability to distinguis­h right from wrong? What if you make a wrong decision? Would the cosmos leap into action to take remedial steps? On the other hand, suppose you’re right to trust your intuition and overrule everyone? If you find yourself in a powerful position today, listen to your inner voice. Your perceptive powers are high, your instincts good. There’s excellent news in your love and romance prediction. For news that will make your heart sing, call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 WHO’S to blame for the fact that leopards don’t change their spots? We can’t really give the responsibi­lity to the big cats themselves. Surely, it’s the fault of the governing body that rules over the place where they live? Suppose they really would prefer to be stripy? Perhaps therapists should be made available to counsel any leopards who feel stuck. In an area of your life that has felt fixed and unmovable, you’re being offered a cosmic opportunit­y to create a satisfying change. The celestial signs are exceptiona­l. February holds great potential for positive change. Call 0906 751 5610.


Jan 21 - Feb 19 IS THERE anything more beautiful than a forest in autumn? The crunch of fallen leaves. The chill in the air. The explosion of browns, russets, oranges, yellows, corals and reds. It’s hard to believe that the forces that create such a vision of harmony could also be responsibl­e for earthquake­s, bushfires, and other natural disasters. Humans, of course, are composed of a similar blend of ferocity and beauty. As Mercury links to your ruler, it offers you a choice between two extremes. Choose well. Be ready for Valentine’s Day! For valuable advice about love and relationsh­ips, call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20 ANYONE who has anything to do with children soon learns that when a child has hold of something they shouldn’t have, its best to give them an alternativ­e rather than just snatch it out of their hands. If you offer them something that grabs their interest, you’ll divert their attention so that you can take the offending item without them noticing. A similar psychology can be applied to adults, too. We can even use it on ourselves when we need to change our minds about something. Be smart today. Love is in the air this month! For valuable insight and news about your emotional life, call 0906 751 5612.

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