Daily Mail

So, what’s the plan for post-corona Britain?


ONE of the most remarkable – and gratifying – aspects of the coronaviru­s crisis is how resolutely the British people have kept their side of the bargain.

Asked to endure the most draconian limits on their freedoms, the vast majority have complied with assiduousn­ess and good grace.

Yes, there have been the ‘ Covidiots’ – panic buying or ostentatio­usly flouting social distancing restrictio­ns. But they are the exceptions.

Through countless acts of kindness and considerat­ion, British people are showing once again how their community spirit shines through even in times of trouble.

With her usual eloquence, the Queen alluded to these qualities of ‘self-discipline, quiet good-humoured resolve and fellow feeling’ in a deeply personal and moving address to the nation.

‘Those who come after us will say that the Britons of this generation were as strong as any,’ she said. But will the same be said of the Government? Will history judge this generation of ministers to have been equal to the task?

This depends hugely on how they navigate Britain out of semi-lockdown and back to social and economic normality.

Attention has so far been largely directed at what we must do for our country. And we have done it.

With infection rates soon to reach their peak however, we now need to hear what our country is going to do for us.

According to one estimate, the lockdown is costing the British economy a staggering £2.4billion a day. Millions of jobs are at risk and previously healthy companies are facing oblivion. We must not spend a day longer in lockdown than is absolutely necessary.

So what’s the plan? When all our sacrifices have paid off and this infection is finally under control, does the Government have a coherent exit strategy?

So far the public has been prepared to give ministers the benefit of the doubt (despite some obvious mistakes).

If they don’t show us some light at the end of the tunnel, that reservoir of goodwill could evaporate in a heartbeat.

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