Daily Mail

Are uncertain times uniting or dividing people?


THESE uncertain times are bringing out the worst in some people and the best in others. The young oncology specialist having to explain why chemothera­py must be cancelled for a patient while hiding her own disappoint­ment at having to postpone her May wedding. The bank cashier offering to do the shopping for elderly neighbours and then paying for it. These acts of kindness remind us of the Dunkirk spirit.

Mrs GWENDOLINE DOOKINS, Ilford, Essex. MY ONLINE delivery of groceries was delivered at 10pm by a very tired, but cheerful, lady. Everyone who works for supermarke­ts, grocery stores and pharmacist­s deserve a huge thank you for turning up to work each day and keeping the country supplied. I don’t know what we would do without you all.

SUE BARTER, Cowplain, Hants. WHAT a lovely surprise when I found that my fantastic paper girl Liv had inserted a help card in my Daily Mail with phone numbers should I need any assistance. How very kind — not everyone is a selfish loo roll hoarder!

A. MANDERS, Shrewsbury, Shropshire.

WE WERE surprised to find a crate of fresh vegetables and eggs on our doorstep, donated by the local pub,

The Bell, which has had to close. We don’t have a village shop so it was good to know that people are looking out for each other.

NINON & JOHN TICE, Bredhurst, Kent.

TO ALL the good-hearted people who are shopping for housebound old folk, when you deliver the goods and you’re asked ‘How much?’, please don’t wave it off with: ‘Oh, it doesn’t matter!’ It matters a great deal to their selfrespec­t. They have gone through life expecting to pay their own way. To decline their money is not only unkind, but they will probably never ask you to shop for them again.

DENNIS THORP, Manchester.

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