Daily Mail

More deaths in one week than ever before

- By Steve Doughty Social Affairs Correspond­ent

THE pandemic has pushed the number of officially-registered fihe deaths in a single week to the highest level on record.

The figures also appear to suggest deaths from the he virus are running over 50 per cent higher than the he total announced by the Government.

Data released yesterday by the Office for National al Statistics also raises questions about a spike in deaths not officially linked to Covid-19.

There were 16,387 deaths registered in England and nd Wales in the week ending Friday, April 3 – 5,246 higher er than the previous week. This was the greatest st amount recorded since weekly death registrati­ons ns were first published in 2005.

The shocking total was also 6,082 deaths higher er than expected for this time of the year when compared msbe to a five-year average.

Unlike the daily Government figures, ONS statistics cover deaths outside hospitals – and may be capturing under-the-radar coronaviru­s victims.

In the week to April 3 there were 217 virus-related ed care home deaths. The ONS said in the week to April ril 3 there were 6,253 deaths linked to the virus compared mat with an NHS count of hospital virus deaths at 4,093 by the same date.

In London, nearly half of all deaths in the week to April 3 involved the virus. Of total recorded deaths, hs, just over a fifth – 3,475 – involved Covid-19, according ng to the ONS, leaving an increase of more than 2,500 00 deaths over typical levels unaccounte­d for.

It could be because more people are dying from coronaviru­s oof – with it not being recorded as the cause of death. But pressure on the NHS may have caused a spike in the number of people dying for other reasons.

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