Daily Mail

Charles praises farmers feeding the nation

- By Rebecca English Royal Editor

The Prince of Wales has said the coronaviru­s crisis shows we should never take food for granted and that the nation owes farmers ‘an enormous debt of gratitude’.

Writing in Country Life magazine, the future king praises the ‘crucial role’ of home-grown producers in keeping the country fed.

‘When was the last time anyone gave the availabili­ty of a bottle of milk, or a loaf of bread, or fresh vegetables a second thought? Suddenly, these things are precious and valued. And this is how it always should be. Food does not happen by magic. If the past few weeks have proved anything, it is that we cannot take it for granted,’ he writes.

The pandemic has seen produce prices collapse as cafes and restaurant­s have closed. Dairy farmers have been forced to dump thousands of pints of milk and restrictio­ns on the movement of migrant workers are likely to affect the early spring fruit and vegetable harvests.

Charles writes: ‘The delivery drivers, shelf-stackers and all the others serving shoppers are providing an immensely important service in this time of great need. Of course, it all begins with our farmers. Day in and day out, they are working to produce food for us. And we owe them an enormous debt of gratitude.’

he also writes about how the crisis has changed the way society behaves. ‘Beyond the walls of the hospitals, care homes, doctors’ surgeries and pharmacies, we have also seen a heart-warming burgeoning of remarkable kindness and concern for those in need across the country.

‘Younger people shopping for older folk, church services recorded and emailed to parishione­rs and, of course, we have seen the very best use of technology – allowing people to keep working, but also to keep in touch through virtual parties, games, singing – and some of the funniest videos I have seen for a long time!’

The article is in the latest issue of Country Life magazine, on sale now.

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