Daily Mail

Does Captain Tom deserve his knighthood?


AT last, a knighthood awarded to someone who richly deserves the honour. Captain Tom Moore would have earned warm praise if he had raised just £1,000 for the NHS walking laps round his garden as his 100th birthday approached, but £33 million is mind-blowing. However, could we be given some idea how the grand old soldier’s donations will be spent? Whoever is in charge of the fund must ensure that none of it is wasted on another army of over-paid pen-pushers. Front-line doctors and nurses must feel the benefit of Sir Tom’s efforts.

PAUL MARSTON, Walsall, W. Mids.

CAPTAIN Tom Moore being honoured with a knighthood is an inspiratio­n to everyone. He is a true national treasure. This descriptio­n is too often given to weather presenters, pop stars, former footballer­s and B-list celebs simply because they’ve been around for a while and are past their sell-by date.

M. TAYLOR, Haltwhistl­e, Northumber­land. I AM disgusted at the award of a knighthood to someone for taking a walk in their garden. It is an affront to all other recipients of awards from the lowly British Empire Medal upwards whose efforts were recognised only after many years. The funds raised were due mainly to the huge PR efforts of TV and celebritie­s.

GRAHAM RUSSELL, Belper, Derbys. WHILE I would like to congratula­te Captain Tom Moore on his knighthood, I wonder if all front-line staff will get similar awards for their efforts in fighting coronaviru­s. Each and every one of them deserves recognitio­n.

DAVID McCABE, Milton Keynes, Bucks. INSTEAD of honouring individual­s for their herculean efforts during the pandemic, how about honouring everyone by renaming it the Royal NHS.

ALAN GRIFFITHS, Deeside, Flintshire.

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