Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


÷ WAS Boudicca a heroine who fought to free Britons from enslavemen­t by the Romans or a racist who tried to remove foreigners from this country?

DICK BOOKER, St Albans, Herts.

÷ IT’S ironic that Prince Charles is meeting French President Macron today, the anniversar­y of the Battle of Waterloo.

CHRIS PATE, Worcester.

÷ EVERYONE is entitled to equality of opportunit­y, but equality of outcome has to be earned, as Priti Patel has shown.

PHIL NORTH, Brigg, Lincs.

÷ HAVE TV companies run out of lightbulbs? Why are dramas filmed in subdued lighting?

D. ARNOLD, Carterton, Oxon.

÷ POLICING with consent of those who abide by the law, not those intent on breaking it.

RICHARD HOWLETT, Chessingto­n, Surrey.

÷ AGREE with what I say or there’ll be trouble!

RAY ADAMS, Bury, Lancs.

÷ I’VE had enough of unpreceden­ted times.

AL MENZIES, Felpham, W. Sussex.

÷ AFTER much sewing, we have plenty of masks, but my wife has run out of pants.

RALPH DONCASTER, Bridgnorth, Shropshire.

÷ IF DAVID Walliams regrets Little Britain, he could donate the money he made from it to charity. Computer says no.

B. FLETCHER, Filey, N. Yorks.

÷ HOW much is a jar of Wimbledon jam (Mail)? You cannot be serious!

ANTONY DEAN, Keighley, W. Yorks. FOR permission to copy cuttings for internal management and informatio­n purposes, please contact the Newspaper Licensing Agency (NLA), PO Box 101, Tunbridge Wells TN1 1WX. Tel: 01892 525273. e-mail: copy@nla.co.uk

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