Daily Mail

How we love our jolly green giants


Today’s child slaves

THOSE who want to tear down every statue might like to consider the smart phones without which they can’t live.

These are powered by lithium- ion rechargeab­le batteries that contain cobalt.

Amnesty Internatio­nal confirms the mining of this element in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Zambia is undertaken by children as young as seven, working 12 hours a day in lifethreat­ening conditions.

They are paid a dollar a day. Is this not slave labour?

GERRY DYER, Cirenceste­r, Glos.

I THINK I can trump reader Shaun Thompson’s 14 ft echium (Letters). In my garden, I have several of these plants that are more than 20 ft tall. Last year, I had the tallest in the country, which was the length of a killer whale. They do so well, thanks to the near-sub tropical climate in my garden that borders the shore. I don’t give them any special care. In fact, my biggest problem is keeping them under control otherwise my house would vanish!

ELIZABETH WEBBER, Haverfordw­est, Pembs. MY TALLEST echium measured 19 ft 6 in from the soil to the tip. Having first grown them a few years ago, the millions of seeds they drop ensure seedlings come up all over the place, including in flowerpots and the neighbour’s garden. I replant the best seedlings straight into the soil with no compost and leave them to their own devices.

MICHAEL DRAY, Minehead, Somerset. I BROUGHT two plants from my son’s garden in Cornwall five years ago and now these plants are coming up everywhere in my garden! There are three that are over 18 ft, reaching the top floor of the house. They are covered in flowers that attract bees so all you can hear is humming. I pot up seedlings and give them away to friends. Even though I don’t give them any feed or special care, they just grow and grow. My small garden looks like a jungle!

PAT GLOVER, London SW16. THREE years ago, I carried a plant home in a small pot from a garden show. It didn’t make a huge impression for the first two years, but this spring it hasn’t stopped growing and now measures an impressive 17 ft. It’s greatly admired by passers-by.

IRENE CARTER, Saleby, Lincs. MY SIX-YEAR-OLD daughter, Maddie, looks tiny when she stands next to the 16 ft echium just outside our front door.

LAURA HODSON, Emsworth, Hants. WE BOUGHT our echium from Trebah Garden in Cornwall in a little pot in 2018 and planted it in the garden. We’ve not done anything with it — no manure or even watering, I’m ashamed to say — but simply left it to its own devices. It’s 16 ft and reminds me of Jack and the Beanstalk.

ANN SAUNDERS, Bromsgrove, Worcs. WHEN my husband bought some small plants from a work colleague ten years ago, he had no idea how tall they would grow. Since then, they have been popping up all around the garden and the tallest one this year is 15 ft 3 in. Our neighbour Tom thinks they are Triffids who are coming to get him …

MARGARET WILSON, Teignmouth, Devon.

 ??  ?? Wow: Maddie’s 16ft echium
Wow: Maddie’s 16ft echium
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