Daily Mail

Call to check cancer staff every week


CANCER patients are being put at risk at specialist treatment centres due to a lack of testing, a leading charity warns.

Cancer Research UK has written to the Prime Minister urging him to improve the testing of NHS staff and patients massively.

The charity is particular­ly worried that doctors or nurses may be passing on the virus to patients when they are asymptomat­ic.

Earlier this month Health Secretary Matt Hancock said that between 70 and 80 per cent of those with Covid-19 had no symptoms.

Cancer patients are particular­ly vulnerable as their immune system is significan­tly weakened.

The charity says doctors and nurses working in specialist cancer centres should be tested at least once a week and patients should be checked whenever they come in for a diagnostic procedure, operation or appointmen­t. In her letter to Boris Johnson, Cancer Research UK chief executive Michelle Mitchell says: ‘We are still worried that antigen testing is not happening at the pace and scale required.

‘If staff are unable to carry out cancer diagnosis and treatment in covid-protected environmen­ts and persuade patients it is safe to resume treatment, it will be difficult to restore services to pre-pandemic levels.’

Figures from Cancer Research UK revealed to the Mail earlier this month showed 2.4million patients were awaiting screening, diagnostic procedures or treatments as a result of the disruption to the NHS during the pandemic.

A Department of Health spokesman said: ‘All health and care staff are eligible for testing, including if they have no symptoms.’

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