Daily Mail



TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 KARL MARX observed that ‘religion is the opium of the people’. But he was writing more than 150 years ago. If he’d been writing today, he’d know better. Nowadays, the opiate is television and online entertainm­ent. It’s easier than it has ever been to turn on a screen and turn off our minds. Without stimulatio­n, our brain deteriorat­es and, before we know it, we’ve transforme­d into unquestion­ing clones. You’ve been trying to overlook a recent mistake. Today brings a chance to put things right. What’s in the sky for you? Helpful planetary alignments! For the good news in your in-depth forecast, call 0906 751 5602.

MY MUSICIAN friends bemoan the slowness of the return to the new ‘normal’. But family, who are shielding, are alarmed by its speed. Whichever course we take, there will be discontent. But one thing’s certain: following the Sun’s link with the Jupiter-Pluto convergenc­e, we can’t let fear rule the roost. That doesn’t mean we should act irresponsi­bly. But where reward trumps risk, opportunit­ies to live life need exploring.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 THERE’S nothing quite like the sound of the cavalry coming to the rescue. Yet though you’ve been peeking over the castle walls hoping to see help on the horizon, you’re still waiting for visual reassuranc­e that someone is leaping to your assistance. You can’t keep looking either ... it’s chilly up on the ramparts, and you’re vulnerable to passing predators. Today, the cosmic climate offers you a metaphoric­al telescope; the rescue party is much closer than you think. Knowledge is power. Find out how to take full advantage of your astrologic­al assets in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5601.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22 YOU share something special with people who are ‘on your wavelength’. You probably laugh at the same things and are intuitivel­y able to tell how the other person feels about certain situations. Yet for everyone with whom you share a natural affinity, there are also those who seem diametrica­lly opposed to your views and way of being. Today brings a chance to gain insight into the mind of one of these so-called opponents. You’ll be surprised and amazed by what you discover.

You’ve got so much to look forward to. Find the inspiratio­n you need in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 - July 23 YOU’RE no longer the person you were yesterday. And that’s no bad thing. Slowly but surely, you’re transition­ing into the person you were born to be. You’re not quite there yet though ... and this in-between stage feels discombobu­lating; especially since there are no definitive guidelines or advice. You’ve been left to your own devices. Yet today someone you’ve met along the way can act as a guide — or at least offer support. The cosmic message is clear — you’re about to find the clarity you seek.

Auspicious alignments suggest good times are on their way. Learn more in your latest in-depth forecast. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 - Aug 23 NUTRITION experts agree that eating healthy foods makes us healthier. So if we can train our minds to focus on healthy thoughts, can we expect a similar reward? Will our intellectu­al abilities be increased and our conversati­onal skills enhanced? The logical extension of this idea is that if we can only eat and think the right things, we’ll become almost superhuman. We might even be able to live for ever! While such an extreme is impossible, by making healthy choices, you’ll achieve good things.

Knowledge is power. Find out how to take full advantage of your astrologic­al assets in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO YOU’RE beginning

Aug 24 - Sep 23 to feel as though the great cosmic croupier has dealt you a challengin­g hand of cards. How are you going to make a winning move when you can see that the odds are stacked against you pulling off a surprise? It would be easy to feel dishearten­ed. Why bother to sit in on a game when there’s a high chance that you’ll lose it? Yet as any great poker player will tell you, it’s sometimes possible to win big with surprising­ly low cards. If you can muster some bluster, you’ll go far today! What’s in the sky for you? Helpful planetary alignments! For the good news in your in-depth forecast, call 0906 751 5606.


Sep 24 - Oct 23 YOUR ability to facilitate communicat­ion between people who don’t see eye to eye is legendary. While most people want things to be ‘OK’ and avoid conflict if they can, you have a talent for diffusing difficult situations and creating a space for conciliati­on and understand­ing. With so much subtle power at your fingertips, it’s no surprise that someone’s directing negative energy towards you. Just do your best ... you’ll be fine. You’re being protected by a kindly sky. You’ve got so much to look forward to. Find the inspiratio­n you need in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22 WHEN we find ourselves in bewilderin­g situations, our first instinct is often to push against them. We prefer things the way they were. We understood them. Then, as we acclimatis­e, we realise that while things might not be ideal, they’re certainly not as bad as they seemed. With time we become so used to our new situation that if someone offered an alternativ­e or even our old way of being back, we’d recoil in horror. Sometimes, in order to move forward, we need to take a look back.

Auspicious alignments suggest good times are on their way. Learn more in your latest in-depth forecast. Call 0906 751 5608.


Nov 23 - Dec 21 YOU don’t want to know what the future holds, what’s the point in reading your prediction? Perhaps more to the point, why not ask yourself what lies ahead, rather than putting me on the spot? It seems either you are seeking validation for your perception of what you think lies ahead, or have struggled to read the clues. Suppose you’re not meant to know what’s waiting. Imagine — you might be better off not knowing! Keep as open a mind as possible today.

Knowledge is power. Find out how to take full advantage of your astrologic­al assets in your latest forecast. Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 WHEN plans go wrong, or a situation doesn’t turn out as we’d hoped, we sometimes make things worse than they need to be. We tell ourselves that this is some kind of divine punishment, that the universe has ‘plenty more where that came from’, and that we might as well throw our hands up and accept disappoint­ment and defeat. If we’re not careful, this can turn into a never-ending cycle. Whatever discourage­ment you’ve faced recently, don’t take it as a sign of things to come. What’s in the sky for you? Helpful planetary alignments! For the good news in your in-depth forecast, call 0906 751 5610.


Jan 21 - Feb 19 wonderful Yorkshire expression: ‘Where there’s muck, there’s brass.’ Though it’s true, money isn’t only made in mucky situations. But if there is something dirty going on (be that fear, conflict or any other murky business) you can confidentl­y predict someone is making a tidy profit while appearing to be cleaning things up. If you make a heartfelt effort to sort out an angry situation with the feather duster of forgivenes­s, the reward will be more subtle, but much more satisfying.

You’ve got so much to look forward to. Find the inspiratio­n you need in your latest four-minute forecast. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20 NO PROCESS of self-discovery can begin by disregardi­ng the needs of other people. How can we overcome our own internal struggles if we’re unable to listen and attempt to understand the challenges facing the people around us? Although the sense of being more knowledgea­ble and morally superior feels satisfying, it’s a bit like fast food; it tastes good, but there’s no lasting sense of fullness and no nutritiona­l value. Where you see struggle, extend empathy rather than judgment today. Auspicious alignments suggest good times are on their way. Learn more in your latest in-depth forecast. Call 0906 751 5612.

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