Daily Mail

Talking frankly on the bench, Wills and Southgate

- By Jim Norton

PRINCE William has encouraged men to not see opening up emotionall­y as a ‘weakness’ when discussing mental health with England’s football manager.

Sitting on benches at the Sandringha­m Estate in Norfolk, they discussed how they had both overcome challenges that had an impact on their mental wellbeing.

The Duke of Cambridge said he was seeing a cultural shift in men being able to talk about their feelings. His meeting with the former England footballer – who said he struggled after missing a penalty at Euro 1996 – was part of the Heads Up campaign. It involves a six-part #SoundofSup­port series led by the duke in which sports stars discuss mental health.

The prince said: ‘Being able to talk about it is not a weakness. The idea of being able to be open about your emotions and fix a problem is a positive, it’s a strength, not a weakness.’

He is today hosting an outdoor screening of the FA Cup final at Sandringha­m attended by a group of frontline workers and local fans.

Southgate, 49, missed a suddendeat­h penalty in the Euro 1996 semifinal against Germany – who went on to win the tournament

He told the prince: ‘There are various issues with people’s mental health that can affect how they feel and it’s making sure that we don’t feel that there’s a stigma for people, that it’s acceptable to look for help.’

Talking about his experience 24 years ago, he said: ‘You walk away from the stadium feeling that ultimately you are the person who is responsibl­e for that finishing.

‘To a small degree that still lives with me – to have failed under pressure, under that huge spotlight, is hard profession­ally to take.’

 ??  ?? Kicking around ideas: William with Gareth Southgate
Kicking around ideas: William with Gareth Southgate

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