Daily Mail

Missing Boris must not fail his next test


THE Mail doffs its hat to all those young people who studied hard for their GCSEs and achieved the results needed to go on to sixth-form or find jobs.

The pandemic has made this an especially stressful year for pupils. With classrooms closed, exams cancelled and barred from blowing off steam with friends, teenagers have endured a truly miserable time.

Critics may carp that record numbers passed, including one in four with top grades. But those accomplish­ments should not be doused in cold water. Dizzying grade inflation was the only outcome once the Government bungled the marking system.

If ministers hadn’t U-turned by ditching the flawed algorithm, many youngsters would have been unfairly disadvanta­ged – ruining their futures.

Unfortunat­ely, the legacy of the ballooned grades could linger. Some sixth-forms will be vastly over- subscribed, meaning deserving candidates miss out on places.

Students awarded better grades than they merit could choose, and flunk, the wrong Alevels. And prospectiv­e employers might struggle to differenti­ate between the army of school-leavers with identical A* grades.

Of course, hapless Gavin Williamson is the architect of this shambles. Despite trying desperatel­y to shift the blame, at least he’s been visible.

But what of Boris Johnson? No sign of hide nor hair. Until now. Today, we reveal he is holed up in a remote Scottish cottage with a tent in the garden. A fitting metaphor for his splendid isolation!

Surely it wouldn’t have been too much trouble for this gifted communicat­or to break briefly into his holiday to sympathise with those embroiled in this debacle. That would cost nothing. These are, after all, real people – and future voters.

Instead, the Prime Minister risks looking aloof and woefully out of touch.

None of this augurs well for the next education challenge: Re- opening our schools. He MUST pass that test.

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