Daily Mail



WHAT do you bid next as North in the above auction?

THERE is an old saying that ‘the five-level belongs to the opponents’. I understand this to mean that, once you have successful­ly pushed the opponents to a level higher than necessary for their contract, you leave well alone. And, if you are the one that is pushed to the five-level, you never allow yourself to be pushed further. I know that several players would be irresistib­ly tempted to bid 5 ♠ on this hand, but that would be quite wrong for various reasons.

(A) Partner has already passed, so his hand wasn’t even suitable for an initial pre-empt.

(B) At the favourable vulnerabil­ity, he is obviously trying to get the opponents too high, knowing that he can afford to be three down if their game is on.

(C) You are certain to be doubled in 5 ♠ and concede a penalty, when you have a very good chance of defeating 5 ♥ . Partner has done his bit to sabotage the opponents, so don’t spoil the party by turning a potential top into a bottom.

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