Daily Mail


- Tricia Sturgeon, Mundesley, Norfolk.


Here we are now, spinning round in space, This planet with its blessed human race. A dot within the universe . . . so small It’s marvellous that we are here at all. In times gone by, when things were not so clear There was a darkness, ignorance and fear. And this in turn brought conflict to the scene In country, continent and village green. Thus, everyone must take up arms and fight To prove that they were powerful and right. Ruling with a rusty iron rod. Worshippin­g a mirror image God. But now, in these enlightene­d times, we know That we are merely part of Nature’s flow And living, it would seem, on borrowed time, Portended by the changes in our clime. Could we but see how fortunate we are To dwell awhile on this amazing star, Then might we redirect our war-like zeal To plant and grow and nurture, soothe and heal? And learn to gift and give instead of take, Allowing inner wisdom to awake, Lest records kept since Time itself began Show charred remains to mark the Age of Man.

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