Daily Mail

No10 denies plans for a two-week UK lockdown

- By John Stevens and Michael Blackley

DOWNING Street last night insisted the Government is not preparing to impose a new two-week lockdown on the entire country.

Officials were forced to deny claims the chief medical officer has been pushing for short, sharp nationwide restrictio­ns to tackle the rise in infections.

Professor Anthony Costello, a former director at the World Health Organisati­on, tweeted: ‘I’m hearing from a well-connected person that government now thinks, in absence of testing, there are 38,000 infections per day.

‘Chris Whitty is advising PM for a twoweek national lockdown.’

But he later rowed back on the claim after it was fiercely denied by the Government.

A Downing Street spokesman said: ‘We don’t recognise that at all.’

Asked if he could rule out the possibilit­y that it was true, he replied: ‘Yes.’

A Whitehall source went further, describing the claim as ‘b*******’.

Prof Costello later tweeted: ‘I’ve been told by another insider I respect that Chris Whitty does not support a two-week lockdown, so I’m pleased to correct the record.’

In a further clarificat­ion, he added: ‘Please note that Chris Whitty has indirectly informed me that this is not his view so I am happy to correct this statement.’

Boris Johnson has made clear his resistance to imposing a second nationwide lockdown. But yesterday it was claimed that, privately, he is worried the public will become increasing­ly frustrated with restrictio­ns that are kept in place or reintroduc­ed.

The Spectator reported that he warned a friend recently: ‘Wait for the autumn if you think people are restless now.’

Earlier this week, Mr Johnson said that a second national lockdown would be likely to have ‘disastrous’ financial consequenc­es.

At the Commons liaison committee on Wednesday, the Prime Minister was asked by Conservati­ve MP Julian Knight, chairman of the digital, culture, media and sport select committee, whether the UK could afford another national lockdown.

Mr Johnson replied: ‘I don’t want a second national lockdown – I think it would be completely wrong for this country and we are going to do everything in our power to prevent it.

‘And can we afford it? I very much doubt that the financial consequenc­es would be anything but disastrous, but we have to make sure that we defeat the disease by the means that we have set out. So when I see people arguing against the rule of six or saying that the Government is coming in too hard on individual liberties and so on – I totally understand that and I sympathise with that, but we must, must defeat this disease.’

During a visit to Scotland yesterday, Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer called for ministers to sort out problems with testing in order to prevent the need for another nationwide lockdown.

He said: ‘I certainly hope not to go into a generalise­d lockdown but really it depends on government action, both here in Scotland and across the UK, to deal much more effectivel­y with things like testing.’

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