Daily Mail

Shape up Britain the Fast 800 way

Mouth-watering plan to get YOU trim and healthy

- by Dr Michael Mosley

SHAPE Up Britain volunteer Chris Shutt used to snore the night away on a regular basis — though he was blissfully unaware of it himself.

The same could not be said, however, for his long-suffering partner Liz, 51.

‘Liz tells me that she’d often have to nudge me awake at night so I could turn over,’ he confesses.

But fortunatel­y for both Chris and Liz, restless nights are becoming a thing of the past after Chris lost 1st 10lb on my Fast 800 diet in just eight weeks.

‘Liz is now happy to report that I’ve stopped snoring,’ says the 61-year-old engineer from Sheffield. ‘ And I’ve noticed that my sleep quality is better. I’m not waking up as groggy in the mornings.’

Chris was one of 30 volunteers from two communitie­s at opposite ends of the country who jumped at the chance to overhaul their weight and health in a ground-breaking experiment for our Shape Up Britain challenge.

In total, they lost an astonishin­g 39st 8lb and 9ft 8in from once bulging waistlines. Chris alone shed 5in from his middle, but it’s his new neck measuremen­t which proved lifechangi­ng once his head hit the pillow. In eight weeks, he lost an inch off his neck, which went from 17in to 16in.

As I discovered, the size of your neck is a good indicator of whether you snore. If you are a man with a neck size of 17in or more, you will almost certainly be a snorer. For women, it is 16in or more.

That’s because fat around your neck narrows your airway, which then partially collapses and vibrates when you are asleep, making that loud snoring sound.

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