Daily Mail



BONE is a constantly changing organ, continuall­y remodellin­g itself in response to accidents, weight-bearing exercise or changes in your environmen­t or diet.

It’s well known that bone density decreases with age, making brittle bones and falls a risk for older people.

Some medication­s, including steroids for asthma, phenytoin for epilepsy and hormones for breast cancer, can also increase the rate of bone loss .

So it’s sensible to do regular exercise if you’re taking these as studies show it will help maintain bone density.

WHAT TO DO: Weight-training is a good defence against bone loss, but the best type of exercise to prevent it is called Highintens­ity Resistance and Impact training (HiRIT).

Authoritat­ive studies have shown HiRIT to have a significan­t impact on bone density (and physical strength) in the hips and back, with no increased risk of fractures. It is also safe; despite many participan­ts having osteoporos­is, the study found no fractures caused.

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