Daily Mail



WORKING on your balance and regular stretching can help the joints, reduce fibrosis in the tissues, stimulate the mind and help maintain mobility and independen­ce in later life. Exercises involving balance also prevent falls — a big advantage if you have brittle bones. Yoga, tai chi, Pilates and Qigong are all good for this.

To work on core strength, which is needed for balance, it is important to do exercises such as squats which will not only improve our balance but also our bone density. The neck and thoracic spine bend forward with age, leading to a characteri­stic stooped posture. To prevent this, focus on posture when walking, sitting or standing.

A good stance involves bearing your weight primarily on the balls of your feet, keeping your knees slightly bent with your feet about shoulder-width apart. Try to be as straight and tall as possible with your shoulders open, your chin and stomach in and your chest out.

At intervals during the day, if possible, lie on the floor and raise your hands above your head trying to touch the ceiling. Also move your arms up and down by your sides, like a snow angel.

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