Daily Mail


Mum gets 3 tiny sachets... in 3 huge packages

- By Liz Hull

WHEN a delivery driver turned up at Kaz Worton-Casey’s door with three huge boxes, she was baffled as to what could be inside them.

She could only remember ordering three tiny packets of £1 ‘magic reindeer food’ from Amazon for her children to sprinkle around on Christmas Eve.

So the hospice nurse was stunned to find each of the 3in square sachets was buried beneath mountains of paper packaging in separate cardboard boxes.

She initially laughed with train driver husband Anthony, 49, about the excessive wrapping.

But Mrs Worton-Casey, 48, has since written to the online retailer to complain about the waste.

The mother- of-two said: ‘When these boxes turned up my husband was joking, “What have you ordered now?”. I thought to myself, I’ve got no idea. They were huge boxes but all light as a feather.

‘It was basically three tiny little sachets of reindeer food. They could have fitted them in one envelope or a bag. When I opened the first I thought, please don’t let the other two be in these two other boxes, but they were.

‘We had a bit of a laugh about it but then I thought, this isn’t even laughable, this is insane.

‘What an absolute waste of time, effort and packaging.’

Mrs Worton- Casey, from Worthing, West Sussex, ordered the Christmas treat for twins Amy and Esme, nine, from a single seller on Amazon a few days earlier.

She has since recycled the 12in by 10in boxes and paper. Mrs WortonCase­y added: ‘I try to do my bit for the planet like we all should. It’s a difficult year to avoid online shopping because of lockdown but it’s just frustratin­g when you see this.’

Amazon promised to flag her complaint with its packaging team. A spokesman said: ‘Since 2008, Amazon has made continued progress in reducing waste.

‘To date, we have reduced the weight of outbound packaging by 33 per cent and eliminated over 914,000 tonnes of material.’

 ??  ?? Waste: Single sachet in each box. Right: Kaz Worton-Casey
Waste: Single sachet in each box. Right: Kaz Worton-Casey

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