Daily Mail

His legacy will be an utter failure to act on dementia

- By Chris Sutton

‘ Gold standard,’ said Gordon Taylor of the PFA’s new structure yesterday. We’ll see about that, because this organisati­on has been anything but that in my lifetime. Ask Jeff Astle’s daughter dawn what she thinks of the PFA under Taylor.

Ask Nobby Stiles’s son John. Ask former England captain dave Watson’ s wife Penny.

I’d say ask any of the 28 names who were on the back page of this newspaper last Tuesday — just some of those who have died or are living with dementia — but you wouldn’t get much of an answer from those poor souls.

I’ve said before that Taylor has blood on his hands. Now he says he’ll be going at the end of this season. Why wait, why not go now?

This is Taylor going out on his own terms, dictating to the very end. It is handy how between now and then, he’ll take home, what, another £1million?

If only that sort of cash could be made available for something as important as the members of his union who are dying from a despicable disease.

Sadly when it comes to that, the PFA aren’t even competent enough to put together a taskforce. The biggest legacy Taylor will leave after four decades at this organisati­on is his complete and utter failure to act with regard to dementia in football.

This is a union for profession­al players, past and present, and he failed to protect them. It is 18 years since Jeff Astle’s death was ruled to be as the result of an industrial disease.

Research was promised, and partially initiated, but ultimately binned, unbeknowns­t to the Astle family. That will cost future generation­s of footballer­s.

What we cannot have is one of Taylor’s cronies taking charge next. That would be replacing Taylor with Taylor. If I had my way, John Bramhall and Simon Barker would be walking with him. They’re part of the same scandal. Barker’s quotes about the PFA’s ‘ support’ were laughable.

It was like a party political broadcast and one line in particular stood out to me. ‘We have never turned down any family in terms of support, and definitely not in respects of research,’ he said. His use of the word ‘definitely’ only told me that he doesn’t believe the first half of the sentence.

Sportsmail’s seven- point charter is not asking for the world. It’s very fair. The PFA could have held their hands up and got on board. Instead they have missed an open goal.

Good riddance to Gordon.

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