Daily Mail



- By Eleanor Hayward Health Correspond­ent

The families of disabled children were promised care home hugs ... but have been left heartbroke­n

DISTRAUGHT parents have been banned from seeing their disabled children in care homes over the festive period.

Having been unable to hug their vulnerable children for ten cruel months, thousands of families hoped they would finally be reunited at Christmas.

But ‘ barbaric and inhumane’ guidelines, combined with rising virus cases, mean many care homes for young adults have shut their doors to visitors.

Instead, some vulnerable young adults will spend Christmas trapped and alone in their rooms, forbidden from even waving at parents or siblings through a window.

Parents have described their anguish after stocking up on presents for their children, only to have the promise of a Christmas visit snatched away.

Some fear the continuing pandemic restric


tions mean they could end up going a whole year without seeing them in person.

Earlier this month, in a major victory for the Daily Mail, the Department of Health announced the roll out of millions of tests for care home visitors.

Following this newspaper’s campaign, the Government also issued guidelines saying indoor visits should be the ‘ default’ which enabled thousands of emotional reunions.

However, visiting has been hampered by a growing row between central government and councils, some of which are refusing to use the tests.

And last night campaigner­s warned that thousands of young adults in care have become forgotten victims because the ‘onesize-fits-all guidance’ was designed with older adults in mind.

Under Government rules, under-65s in care homes can join one household in a ‘festive bubble’ over the Christmas period.

But this is an option only if they self-isolate in their room for 14 days on their return, which charities say is ‘ simply impossible’ for the majority of disabled or autistic adults in care.

Many other families have fallen victim to rules that mean whole care homes must lock down for 28 days after only a single case.

It means families who were gearing up for visits over Christmas have now been told they can’t see their loved ones until mid- January at the earliest. Parents say there is ‘no end in sight’ to their nightmare because, unlike elderly residents who are top of the list, young adults in care are not being prioritise­d for the vaccine.

The Government’s vaccine priority list does not include younger adults with learning disabiliti­es or autism, despite Public Health England data showing that they are up to six times more likely to die from Covid-19.

Last night campaigner­s called for an urgent review of rules requiring under-65s to self-isolate for two weeks so that they could see their families at Christmas.

Tim Nicholls, head of policy at the National Autistic Society, said: ‘These rules will mean thousands of autistic people living in residentia­l care won’t be able to spend Christmas with their families.

‘Isolating for 14 days is simply impossible for people who need routines and lots of support to stay safe.’

Diane Mayhew, from campaign group Rights for Residents, said: ‘Thousands of parents were promised they would be able to hug their children this Christmas. They bought their children Christmas presents. But now that promise has been broken.

‘The damage from being torn apart from your children for ten months is unthinkabl­e.’

She called for the Government to urgently review guidelines which

mean care homes are placed in lockdown for 28 days, with visits banned, after a single case.

She said: ‘The Government must ensure local authoritie­s and homes can no longer impose blanket bans so this nightmare can end.’

Edel Harris, chief executive of the learning disability charity Mencap, said: ‘The one- size-fitsall guidance, designed with older people in mind, often doesn’t address the needs of people with a learning disability or take into account the risk to their wellbeing of being left alone.

‘For those in supported living services, we are yet to see any government guidance on family contact – meaning thousands of people are left in the dark about whether they will be able to see their loved one this Christmas. We can’t stand by and see their Christmas be cancelled.’

Charities including Mencap are calling for all care residents to receive the vaccine as soon as possible. Mrs Harris added: ‘We are still extremely concerned that people with a learning disability are not being prioritise­d.’

The Department of Health said: ‘Our updated guidance enables care home providers, families and local profession­als to work together to find the right balance between the benefits of visiting on quality of life, and the risk of transmissi­on of Covid-19. We have also provided testing for staff, residents and visitors, as well as free PPE to allow this to happen.

‘In the event of an outbreak in a care home, the home should immediatel­y stop visiting – except in exceptiona­l circumstan­ces such as end of life – to protect vulnerable residents, staff and visitors.’

UNWRAPPING presents. Eating roast turkey. Sitting around a gaudily decorated tree. Millions of families will share these simple pleasures on Christmas Day.

Tragically, countless intensely disabled children are in danger of being denied such happy, life-enhancing moments.

Betrayed by the Government, they are the forgotten victims of the scandal unfolding in our nursing homes.

As well as elderly and dementia-stricken residents, younger people with autism or other severe disabiliti­es live in care.

Yet despite the majority being otherwise healthy, they too have been banned from physical contact with their families under draconian anti-Covid rules.

Vanessa Gray, who has been wrenched from her 20-year-old autistic son Charlie for nine painful months, describes the restrictio­ns as ‘barbaric and inhumane’. Could anyone seriously disagree?

The Mail’s acclaimed campaign to reunite relatives this Yuletide elicited Health Secretary Matt Hancock’s word of honour.

To guarantee safe visits, he ordered fast tests and PPE for England’s care facilities. But a row between councils and Whitehall has crushed families’ festive hopes.

Such unconscion­able cruelty shames this country. With six days to go, Mr Hancock must demand his officials resolve this appalling mess.

Could he really enjoy turkey with his loved ones knowing our most vulnerable were spending Christmas alone?

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