Daily Mail

A road trip? Mais oui


QWE INTEND to travel by ferry or Eurotunnel to France on Wednesday for a few weeks, passing through Paris and going to Provence. Is this OK? And is there anything we need to know?

Raj, via email.

AYES, it is OK, but you will need to self-isolate for ten days on your return. You must also ensure you have sufficient health cover on your travel insurance because European Health Insurance Cards will no longer be valid from January 1.

Your passport will also require a minimum of six months’ validity. For driving, you will need a ‘green card’ (proof of motor insurance) from your insurer and a separate GB sticker on your car (even if your number plate carries a GB symbol).

Depending on current Brexit negotiatio­ns, you may also need an internatio­nal driving permit, which is available over the counter at the Post Office for £5.50.

It is perhaps best to get one just in case.

QAFTER December 31, will visitors to the Republic of Ireland from the UK be subject to the same restrictio­ns as the

rest of the EU? Nick Anderson, Portsmouth.

ANO, the current Common Travel Area arrangemen­ts will continue, allowing Irish and British citizens free movement as well as reciprocal healthcare. See the Common Travel Area pages of gov.uk, dfa.ie and tourism ireland.com. Any Covid travel requiremen­ts must be met, however.

QWHAT is the rule about taking pets to the EU? Jane Simmons, Hertfordsh­ire.

ATHE rule changed this week. Originally, a check with a vet was required three months before travel and ten days before your trip.

Now only the latter is required in order to get an Animal Health Certificat­e. However, you must make sure that your pet is microchipp­ed, and that their rabies vaccinatio­ns are up to date. As things stand, old pet passports will no longer be valid from January 1.

QWITH negotiatio­ns over a Brexit deal going down to the wire, is there somewhere the current travel rules are explained? James Goodman, Norwich.

AYES. See the ‘Visit Europe from January 1, 2021’ page of gov.uk.

QI HAVE a holiday in Tenerife booked for February. Now the ‘ travel corridor’ to the Canaries is shut, what can I do?

John Forcey, via email.

AYOU can travel with a negative Covid test taken within 72 hours of travel to Tenerife, and must self-isolate for ten days on return. See entry requiremen­ts at gov.uk and hellocanar­yislands.com.

QWE are due to marry in Greece in June and my passport expires five days after we return. Should I renew my passport in my maiden name to match the tickets or wait until I return and change my name?

Cheryl McAteer, via email.

AAFTER January you must have six months’ validity to travel in Europe. Apply for a passport in your maiden name and when you return have it changed. Find out how to do this at gov.uk.

QI BOOKED a holiday cottage in Wales to celebrate my husband’s 60th birthday in April 2021. The balance is due in February. What do you advise? Vicki, via email.

ATALK to the owner/booking company and ask for details of their Covid cancellati­on policy. If you do make the final payments and it is impossible to travel in April, you should be offered a refund or come to a ‘ mutually acceptable solution’ under the Competitio­n and Markets Authority recommenda­tions.


IF YOU need advice, the Holiday Guru is here to answer your questions. Email them to holidaypla­nner@ dailymail.co.uk

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 ?? ?? Extra planning: France, with its Eiffel Tower, can be visited but there are rules to follow
Extra planning: France, with its Eiffel Tower, can be visited but there are rules to follow
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