Daily Mail

‘Long Covid’ hell for Newcastle duo


STEVE BRUCE fears two of his Newcastle players have ‘long-term Covid’ and does not know when they will return. The Magpies boss has revealed that some infected players cannot even walk for half an hour without needing to go back to bed. At least 10 players and staff have been affected by the virus at the club and Bruce says it is ‘frightenin­g’ the impact it has had on two of them, with concern remaining for their long-term health. ‘My thoughts are with the two players and the welfare of them,’ he said. ‘It’s frightenin­g when you think they are young and fit and absolutely supreme athletes. If anybody needs reminding of how serious this is, then we have witnessed it. We’ve had vomiting, sores, mouth ulcers, no smell, no taste, but the big thing is the welfare of one or two of them. It’s not great at all. ‘Long-term Covid is something which you wouldn’t think possible in young, fit athletes. Unfortunat­ely, it is. They go for a walk for half an hour and then they want to go back to bed. It’s as brutal as that. The fatigue is the one thing that has hit them all. For two of them, it’s beyond that. We hope there’s light at the end of the tunnel but some are finding it a struggle.’ Asked when the two players would return, Bruce said: ‘I really don’t know. It won’t be a week or two — it’s going to be longer than that. ‘We hope they recover properly. If one or two of them have got long-term Covid, like it seems, it’s very difficult to manage.’ TV: Newcastle v Fulham, 8pm, St James’ Park. LIVE on Sky Sports from 7.45pm.

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