Daily Mail

Now we’ll be stuck with house guest from hell... who wasn’t too sick to father children

- by Richard Pendlebury

WHATEVER your views about the man, the United Kingdom is likely to be stuck with Julian Assange for the rest of his life. Or at least as long as the United States maintains its desire to prosecute him for espionage. Which might amount to the same length of time. Having defied the British justice system by jumping bail to avoid sex charges, the WikiLeaks founder now owes it his protection from Washington’s retributio­n for placing hundreds of thousands of secret US military and diplomatic documents in the public domain.

MPs from across the political divide, lawyers and journalist­s – including myself – have welcomed the decision by District Judge vanessa Baraitser to block America’s extraditio­n attempt. But many of us have done so while holding our noses.

Assange helped expose some of the dirty secrets of America’s 21st Century foreign wars. In a democracy, investigat­ive journalist­s and whistle blowers – Assange was more a technical facilitato­r – should be protected from politicall­y motivated punishment.

But his is a complex story and a far from noble character, for all the unquestion­ing hero worship he has received from some quarters.

A reckless narcissist and sexual predator, the Australian-born Assange, 49, was disdainful of the collateral human cost of his un-redacted leaks.

WikiLeaks’ collusion with hackers working for the Russian state to undermine Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidenti­al Election campaign – won by her Putin-friendly opponent Donald Trump – saw his support wither among liberals who had cheered his initial exposes.

It wasn’t about the justice of the cause, they thought. It was about Julian Assange.

YESTERDAY, Judge Baraitser ruled that while US prosecutor­s met the tests for Assange to be extradited for trial, she discharged him on the grounds that she found the US was incapable of preventing him from attempting suicide.

She had heard evidence of him being a ‘depressed and sometimes despairing man’ who had thought of killing himself.

The example of another recent very high profile case – that of the paedophile billionair­e Jeffrey Epstein who managed to kill himself while on remand in custody in New York in 2019 – was not far from her mind. An astounding blunder by the American authoritie­s.

Still, there will be those who wonder at the true extent of Assange’s extraditio­n-preventing mental health problems. And it should be noted that the judge did not reach her decision on the grounds that Assange was a campaignin­g journalist.

One issue is clear: Assange would be foolish in the extreme now to leave these shores of his own volition, save perhaps on an Aeroflot flight to Russia, where his fellow whistle blower Edward Snowden has been living as a guest of Mr Putin to similarly avoid American prosecutio­n.

Planes can be diverted, companies or individual­s punished for complicity. The CIA has a recent history of extraordin­ary renditions of those America cannot reach through official channels. They would not dare move against him in London.

Who could have foreseen this tortuous saga back in 2010, at the height of Assange-mania?

That spring WikiLeaks had released a devastatin­g tranche of cables that had been given to the organisati­on by a disaffecte­d US Army intelligen­ce analyst called Bradley (now Chelsea) Manning.

Some of the material showed what appeared to be war crimes. Others exposed what was happening in the back channels. It wasn’t pretty. Channing was arrested and sentenced to 35 years in jail (she would be pardoned after serving seven years behind bars). Based in the

UK, Assange remained at large; a rock star for the internet age.

That summer he took himself to Sweden to meet his fans and explore the possibilit­y of moving the WikiLeaks operation to Scandinavi­a.

But while he was there two female WikiLeaks supporters went to the police and made allegation­s against Assange of sexual assault. Against their wishes, they said, he had deliberate­ly not used a condom during what had started as consensual sexual encounters.

Having returned to the UK, Assange denied any wrongdoing. He claimed the allegation­s were part of an American plot to see him extradited to Washington. The sexual encounters had been a honey trap, many in liberal Sweden agreed.

One of the alleged victims hit back: ‘The accusation­s were not set up by the Pentagon or anybody else. The responsibi­lity for what happened to me and the other girl lies with a man with a twisted view of women, who has a problem accepting the word “no”.’

The Swedish prosecutor concurred. Interpol issued an arrest warrant for ‘sex crimes’. And the stage was set for the drama to take an extraordin­ary turn. In September 2011 Assange dumped WikiLeaks’ entire library of 250,000 secret US cables on to the internet. These communique­s reportedly contained the identities of informants, sources and agents who had been assisting the US in Afghanista­n, Iraq and other countries.

As they were un-redacted, the cables presented a de facto hit list of vulnerable targets to Al Qaeda and the Taliban. But Assange was unrepentan­t, apparently.

He was reported to have told his media partners: ‘Well, they’re informants so, if they get killed, they’ve got it coming to them. They deserve it.’ In May 2012, the British Supreme Court ruled that he should be extradited to Sweden.

He wasn’t willing to get what was ‘coming to him’ in Stockholm so he jumped bail. Friends and supporters, who knew nothing of his plans to abscond, lost a total of £93,000 they had put up for surety.

He swapped the stately home which had been his bail address for asylum in the embassy of a sympatheti­c ecuador, situated behind Harrods. There began a long, long stand-off. Longer than anyone could have anticipate­d. While the police mounted a surveillan­ce operation that in the end cost more than £12million, Assange played host to a series of famous and glamorous visitors, such as Pamela Anderson and Lady Gaga.

But his existence inside the embassy was constraine­d and by all accounts squalid – Assange was not particular about hygiene. Gradually his relations with his hosts soured and his access to the internet was restricted.

The ecuadorian leadership changed and by April 2019 they’d had enough of their troublesom­e guest. The police were allowed inside the embassy and Assange was arrested, charged with jumping bail and sentenced to a year’s imprisonme­nt, which he spent in Bellmarsh high security prison.

By then the Swedes had dropped their cases against him, having run out of time to proceed with them.

But the Americans had shown their hand. Shortly after his arrest at the embassy, the US charged Assange with a single count of conspiring to hack into a Pentagon computer. He would face a possible five-year jail term. A further 17 offences against the espionage Act were then added. Assange’s friends claimed he faced up to 175 years in prison. The US authoritie­s suggested no more than six.

The extraditio­n hearing began last September. Perhaps the most sensationa­l revelation during the case was that Assange had fathered two sons, Gabriel and Max, by a junior member of his legal team while inside the embassy. The couple are now engaged to be married.

STELLA Moris is a 37-year-old lawyer of Spanish-Swedish nationalit­y. She recently gave a couple of well-timed interviews to bemoan her fiance’s plight. If extradited, she claimed, Assange might kill himself and ‘I will lose the man I love for ever. even now I don’t know whether my children will ever be held in their father’s arms again.’

That could happen as early as tomorrow when his formal bail applicatio­n is heard.

Barring a successful US appeal against the decision there might even be a Wikiweddin­g. A new chapter in the always remarkable and often unsavoury life of Julian Assange has begun.

 ??  ?? Fiancee: A jubilant Stella Morris outside the Old Bailey yesterday
Fiancee: A jubilant Stella Morris outside the Old Bailey yesterday
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 ??  ?? Ousted: Assange is hauled from Ecuador’s embassy in 2019
Ousted: Assange is hauled from Ecuador’s embassy in 2019
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