Daily Mail



- Patricia Nicol

BY HAPPY accident, I may have stumbled on an antidote to feeling grumpy or anxious about being stuck indoors: read heart-juddering thrillers with snowy backdrops.

Tear through a descriptio­n of someone caught in an avalanche or pursued through a forest by a weaponised psychopath, and suddenly not being able to get out in this, frankly, challengin­g weather seems an immense blessing.

I’d been feeling frustrated that there’s not a snowball in hell’s chance of my family going skiing this February half-term — an already delayed holiday from last Easter. Then I picked up a preview copy of Shiver by Allie Reynolds, to be published on Thursday. I was 130 pages in before I looked up, mildly surprised to find my sitting-room and no jagged outline of the Alps through the window.

Shiver bolts a classic thriller scenario onto an unfamiliar setting: five former snowboarde­rs receive an invitation to a reunion in Le Rocher, a French ski resort where they all spent a season a decade ago. That ended in tragedy, with the presumed accidental death of the charismati­c Saskia. Once at the remote hostel, it becomes clear to the five that whoever invited them has a vengeful agenda.

Feeling aggrieved that your children are not in school? Rosamund Lupton’s immersive, moving, school siege drama, Three Hours, might allay any misgivings about Microsoft Teams’ homeschool­ing. It imagines, with terrifying scope, an Americanty­pe shooting at a progressiv­e establishm­ent in Somerset during a snow day. I read it in two gulps.

Sticking with American psychos, Stephen King’s Misery is a terrifying account of kidnap and coercion. Author Paul Sheldon’s nightmare begins when he is caught in a snowstorm in Colorado and crashes his car. Nurse Annie Wilkes is not the saviour she seems.

Nobody needs an excuse to stay safe indoors this January. But if you need a distractio­n, then immerse yourself between the covers of a nail-biting, wintry thriller.

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