Daily Mail

Is it just ME?

Are you regretting your lockdown shopping splurges too?

- By Liz Hoggard

I USED to be the can’t cook/won’t cook type, then lockdown happened — plus a new foodie boyfriend — and suddenly I can’t move for Nespresso machines and new microwaves, woks and veg boxes. Where is it all going to go? The kitchen in my one-bed London flat is tiny.

It’s partly my fault. When lockdown hit in March, I realised I was ill-equipped on the domestic front. Normally I’m at the cinema and theatre; my evenings spent in restaurant­s.

So I started making latenight internet impulse buys: tiny Portuguese ceramic dishes for olives and crisps, a salad spinner (you won’t believe how long it takes to drain a lettuce), posh glasses from John Lewis.

Then as restrictio­ns relaxed and we moved into the garden over the summer, I acquired trays and jugs in order to be a better

Now my kitchen is a lethal assault course of gadgets that will land me in A&E

hostess. Impressed by this culinary frenzy, friends and family have tried to bring out my inner Nigella. So over Christmas, I received a pile of gadgets — most, I’m ashamed to say, still sitting in their boxes.

I’m clearly not the only one suffering lockdown overload. This year Waitrose and John Lewis reported rising sales of breakfast accessorie­s.

Sales of vegetable boxes boomed and we spent £ 2 billion on coffee machines to replicate our regular coffee experience at home.

This is the era of buying Pointless Things that take up space. I even acquired a wine rack this week (last glimpsed in The Good Life in 1975). Now I just need to build a new wall to house it.

It has to stop. Once the kitchen was my favourite cosy spot for reading with a G&T. Now it’s lethal assault course that will land me in A&E.

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