Daily Mail

6m jabs and counting


In a spirit of optimism, let’s start the week by celebratin­g good Covid news.

The speed, reach and efficiency of Britain’s vaccinatio­n programme continues to be the envy of the world.

Three-quarters of over-80s have had at least one jab, new improvised centres are opening all over the country and injections have now topped 440,000 a day – with the overall total passing six million.

Birmingham alone has delivered a million doses – roughly the same as the whole of France. It’s a stunning achievemen­t.

It means the Government target of vaccinatin­g all 15 million of the oldest, most vulnerable and key frontline workers by mid-February is well within reach, holding out hopes of some release from this wretched lockdown.

Even Health Secretary and usually gloomster-in-chief Matt Hancock says he has ‘a high degree of confidence’ that we will be freed from all restrictio­ns by early summer. For the sake of our economy and our sanity, let’s hope it’s earlier.

True, there is also less encouragin­g news. The British Medical Associatio­n has attacked Government scientists over the policy of leaving 12 weeks between doses of the Pfizer vaccine, instead of the WHO recommende­d maximum of six.

This will only increase confusion over the efficacy of a single jab. Some researcher­s say it may give just 33 per cent immunity, others that it could be 90 per cent. If experts disagree so widely, what hope does the public have of making a judgment?

Sadly, this troubling public spat comes as the Government is trying to reassure members of ethnic minority communitie­s suspicious of having the jab that they have nothing to fear. That is a message that cannot be weakened. It must ring out loud and clear.

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