Daily Mail

Chicken pho



● 1 tsp coconut oil

● Knob fresh ginger, sliced fine

● 1 tsp coriander seeds

● 1 chicken stock cube

● ½ tsp Chinese five spice

● 1 x 200g skinless chicken breast fillet, cut into quarters l Salt and pepper

● ½ red chilli l 1 medium carrot

● Small handful fresh mint

● 200g pre-cooked rice noodles

● 1 tsp soy sauce

● Juice of ½ lime

● Splash of fish sauce

BRING a kettle of water to the boil. Melt the coconut oil in a saucepan over a low heat. Add the sliced ginger and coriander seeds. Leave to gently toast. Meanwhile, put the chicken stock cube into a jug, add 400ml boiling water and whisk with a fork to dissolve. Come back to the pan, turn up the heat to medium and sprinkle in the five spice. Cook, stirring, for 30 seconds then pour in the chicken stock. Season the chicken breast pieces with salt and pepper then carefully drop them into the saucepan. Place a lid on the pan and cook for 8 minutes.

While the chicken is cooking, slice the red chilli — remove the seeds if you don’t like it hot. Peel the carrot into ribbons and pick the mint leaves. After 8 minutes the chicken should be cooked. Check by slicing into one of the pieces to make sure the meat is white all the way through. Once you’re happy, using a slotted spoon lift the chicken onto a plate. Drop the carrot ribbons and rice noodles into the broth. Shred the cooked chicken with two forks then put it back into the pan, season with soy sauce, lime juice and fish sauce. Place in a bowl to serve, discarding the ginger slices and coriander seeds. Scatter over mint leaves and sliced red chilli.

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