Daily Mail

Day the Brussels bullies went mad


We have known for a long time that the european Union is a bully. It bullied Greece during the financial crisis which started in 2009, and from the moment the British people voted to leave the bloc, it tried to bully us into submission.

But never until now have we seen the increasing­ly tyrannical nature of the eU – and in particular the european Commission in Brussels – quite so starkly. It is behaving in a manner that is both disgracefu­l and more than slightly mad, though there were indication­s last night of a partial climbdown.

The Commission’s apparent intention yesterday to introduce rules that will allow it to prevent life-saving jabs getting into Britain – even though they have been ordered and paid for – would amount to a shamelessl­y aggressive act.

At the same time, Brussels dramatical­ly invoked Article 16 of the Northern Ireland Protocol. This move would effectivel­y remove the province from the eU Single Market, in contravent­ion of an agreement made with the UK. Arlene Foster, Northern Ireland’s First Minister, rightly called this ‘ an incredible act of hostility’.

So desperate is the eU to ensure vaccines do not leave its territory and find their way into Britain, it is prepared to impose a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic. A hard border, it must be said, which it resisted tooth and nail during negotiatio­ns with the Government.

There is even talk of the Commission invoking powers which would enable it to seize intellectu­al property and data from pharmaceut­ical companies. The move would be targeted in particular at the Anglo- Swedish giant AstraZenec­a, which Brussels outrageous­ly accuses of withholdin­g vaccines it has ordered.

The eU, which is supposed to be a union of liberal democracie­s friendly to Britain, is acting as though it were an authoritar­ian state such as Russia or China, with a deeply antagonist­ic mindset towards a former member.

The truth is that Brussels is not only a bully. It is an incompeten­t one. Whereas Britain ordered hundreds of millions of vaccines from several different sources in good time, the Commission was slow, blundering and inept. Meanwhile, brilliant researcher­s at Oxford University, supported by AstraZenec­a, came up with the goods. N OW the Commission is trying to punish this country for what are actually its own multiple errors. It won’t work, not least because AstraZenec­a has two plants in this country producing vaccines. They will go to the British Government first for the simple reason that it signed an agreement three months before the eU did.

One amusing sub-plot of this crazy story is that while the President of the Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, insists that Britain must give up tens of millions of its Oxford/AstraZenec­a vaccines, President emmanuel Macron of France continues to question whether they are effective for those over 65.

Where is Germany’s Angela Merkel in all this? Can she and other grown-up leaders of eU countries relish the spectacle of the flat-footed, overbearin­g and unelected Commission poisoning relations with an ally? Is this really the europe they want?

Perhaps even once-intransige­nt Remainers will now see the point of our leaving the eU. More than ever before, we should be relieved and grateful to have left this increasing­ly malign madhouse.

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