Daily Mail

Payback time for all the broken lives on her watch

- By Ruth Sunderland BUSINESS EDITOR

POST Office Paula has finally done the right thing and surrendere­d her lucrative boardroom seats at two leading retailers, as well as relinquish­ing her duties as a Church of England priest.

Now she should go a step further and renounce her CBE, a richly undeserved award that, with exquisite irony, was bestowed on her in part for ‘services to the Post Office’.

Handing it back is the only course of action left if Paula Vennells wishes to make amends for her part in a debacle that ruined the lives of hundreds of her own sub-postmaster­s.

Her conscience must surely tell her she cannot cling, limpet-like, to a decoration of which she is so unworthy.

In truth it is ridiculous she was ever given such a coveted honour in the first place. Even more so that her investitur­e was in 2019, when the full horror of the sub-postmaster­s’ plight was becoming obvious.

Returning the CBE of her own accord would spare her former employer yet more embarrassm­ent.

She would also save herself the humiliatio­n of a noisy and well-justified chorus calling for it to be stripped from her.

There is a precedent: James Crosby, the former chief executive of HBOS, volunteere­d to give up his knighthood after the bank imploded in the financial crisis.

He never quite came in for the same level of venom as fellow disgraced banking boss Fred Goodwin, whose title had to be forcibly wrenched from him.

If she is to salvage a shred of her former reputation, Mrs Vennells needs to start showing real contrition.

So far, this has appeared to be slow and grudging. Fulsome apologies have been a long time coming.

Maybe she is eaten up with regret, but she has brazenly carried on with the portfolio of high- status jobs she took after leaving the Post Office. She has remained in each of her posts right until they became utterly untenable.

Seen against the wrecked lives of the sub-postmaster­s, her apparent determinat­ion to maintain her career and her high earnings looks at best insensitiv­e.

The board seats at retailers Morrisons and Dunelm are the last ones to go, and now only the CBE remains.

A career ending in disgrace was not how it was supposed to be for Mrs Vennells, 62. A former Girl Guide, devout Christian and conscienti­ous executive, she is the last person anyone would cast as a corporate villainess. In private life, she is married with two sons and lives with husband John, a former director of a chemical engineerin­g consultanc­y, in Bedfordshi­re.

SHE rose from a working-class background, studying hard at Manchester High School for Girls and Bradford University. Until the Post Office catastroph­e, her career, largely in retail, had been exemplary.

And so, on the surface, it seemed to continue. In her time at the helm from 2012 to 2019, she won plaudits for modernisin­g branches and bringing the Post Office back to profit after making large losses.

It is hard to fathom how this deeply religious family woman, described by acquaintan­ces as ‘strait-laced’, could have presided over such a brutal persecutio­n of sub-postmaster­s.

In fairness, the slowly unravellin­g scandal did not originate on her watch. However, during her tenure at the top she missed multiple chances to halt the hounding.

As chief executive, Mrs Vennells must bear responsibi­lity for the contemptib­le bulldozer tactics used against a group of brave men and women whose lives were broken.

The culture under her management was one that chose to believe its computer system instead of its staff. This was regardless of the fact that an epidemic of fraud by hundreds of people of previously unblemishe­d character was inherently implausibl­e.

She has presided over one of Britain’s biggest miscarriag­es of justice and one of its worst abuses of corporate power. Handing back her CBE is the least she can do.

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 ??  ?? Bulldozer tactics: Devout Christian Paula Vennells
Bulldozer tactics: Devout Christian Paula Vennells

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