Daily Mail

NHS warning over drug ‘to give you Kardashian curves’

- Daily Mail Reporter

INSTAGRAM has been urged by health leaders to clamp down on ‘influencer­s’ promoting a dangerous unlicensed supplement designed to create a ‘Kim Kardashian figure’.

BBC documentar­y Dangerous Curves: Get Thicc, Get Sick? revealed recently that Apetamin is being marketed by social media influencer­s as a way to develop an extreme hourglass shape.

The drug contains cyprohepta­dine, an antihistam­ine that stimulates appetite and leads to weight gain. However, side effects include fatigue, jaundice and liver failure.

Now senior NHS officials have written to the head of Instagram, Adam Mosseri, urging the website to shut down accounts that recommend or try to sell the drug.

The letter is signed by NHS England’s national mental health director Claire Murdoch and national medical director Professor Stephen Powis, alongside Kitty Wallace of the Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation. It said the drug could cause ‘serious harm’, adding: ‘We are concerned about both the physical and mental health impacts of the promotion of this drug and strongly urge you to demonstrat­e a duty of care for your customers, and clamp down now on this dangerous content.’ The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency had made clear that Apetamin is an ‘unauthoris­ed medicine which should not be sold, supplied or advertised without a licence’. But a quick internet search reveals dozens of profiles still advertisin­g the product to potentiall­y millions of users – despite many of them having been reported.

The NHS leaders are asking for an urgent update on what action Instagram is taking to shut down such accounts and for confirmati­on that any content selling or promoting Apetamin will be removed. A spokesman for Facebook, which owns Instagram, said: ‘The wellbeing of our community is our top priority and buying and selling nonmedical or prescripti­on drugs is strictly against our policies... We’re committed to working with law enforcemen­t and youth organisati­ons to help keep drugs sales of any kind off Instagram.’

 ??  ?? Hourglass figure: Kim Kardashian
Hourglass figure: Kim Kardashian
 ??  ?? Dangerous: A bottle of Apetamin syrup
Dangerous: A bottle of Apetamin syrup

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