Daily Mail

Now even the Queen can’t escape the wrecking ball of his self pity

- By Sarah Vine

FROM the moment he flew back to America on the Queen’s 95th birthday, unable even to delay his departure for a few hours for the sake of his grandmothe­r, it was clear that hopes of a reconcilia­tion between Prince Harry and his family were futile – and that the Sussexes were up to something.

Now we know. Not content with embellishi­ng the facts to suit his agenda in the Oprah Winfrey interview and accusing the Royal Family of racism, Harry – under the watchful and approving eye of Meghan – has launched another searing attack on the folks back home. This time he’s accusing his father, Prince Charles, of being a bad parent and the Royal Family in general – including, by associatio­n, the Queen – of being stuck in a ‘cycle of pain’. Harry, who these days increasing­ly appears to be a wholly owned subsidiary of Oprah Inc, was appearing on US host Dax Shepherd’s ‘Armchair Expert’ podcast to promote his Apple TV+ series with Winfrey, The Me You Can’t See, which premieres on Friday, May 21. After what he and the Duchess of Sussex put the Royal Family through just weeks before the death of Prince Philip, you might have expected a scintilla of restraint, maybe the tiniest bit of respect for his granny and her feelings. But no. If anything, this attack was even more gloves-off. At least in that first interview the Sussexes stopped short of badmouthin­g the Queen herself; this time not even she escaped the wrecking ball of Harry’s self-pity. A line has been crossed – and we are in uncharted territory. ‘I don’t think we should be pointing the finger or blaming anybody,’ Harry said, before going on very much to do just that. ‘When it comes to parenting, if I’ve experience­d some form of pain or suffering because of the pain or suffering that perhaps my father or my parents had suffered, I’m going to make sure I break that cycle so that I don’t pass it on.’ He went on to suggest his grandparen­ts were at fault: ‘I know this about his [Prince Charles’s] life, I also know that is connected to his parents so that means he’s treated me the way he was treated, so how can I change that for my own kids.’

As a concept of course, the idea of unhappy families repeating their mistakes through the generation­s is nothing very new. And the fact that Harry is so determined to do better for his own children is in some ways a noble sentiment.

But Harry is no ordinary man, and this is no ordinary washing he is laundering in front of the entire world. This is Elizabeth II we are talking about. The longest reigning monarch in history and a woman who, in the eyes of most people, is a much-loved paragon of duty and service.

To launch such an accusation at someone who, quite apart from her great age and the fact that her husband has just passed away, is in no position to retaliate is not only an act of extreme insensitiv­ity and unfairness, it’s also a colossal act of selfharm. It may play well to American audiences but back home – and Harry is still British, despite his newly acquired American twang – it will win him no fans.

That Harry cannot see this is a tragedy, not just for the royals but for the man himself. That he has so little respect or affection for his family, so little understand­ing or self-knowledge of how spoilt and embittered he seems, is a sad reflection of his own self-indulgence.

It’s clear now that Harry is someone who, for whatever reason, has come to loathe the very fabric of royal life and managed to convince himself that, for all the privilege and status afforded him, his upbringing was a prolonged torture. And that is very sad and destructiv­e.

It also presents him with an awkward paradox. Because, of course, the only reason anyone is at all interested in Harry or Meghan is because they are members of the Royal Family. The source of their power and their riches is also the source of all their pain – which cannot make for an easy conscience.

Perhaps this goes in some way to explain the festering anger that Harry clearly feels and which shows no sign of abating.

Far from exorcising his demons, Harry’s newfound freedom seems only to be feeding the monsters. He talks about his shoulders dropping and a weight lifting since he moved to America; but all the evidence seems to point to him becoming more, not less, unhappy.

THERE is also the rank hypocrisy of his behaviour. For a man who is always complainin­g about lack of respect for his privacy, he seems disproport­ionately determined to betray other people’s confidence­s, to expose his own family to the kind of scrutiny which, he never tires of telling us, traumatise­d him so much in the first place.

As for compassion and caring, those other pillars of his existence, well, one might well ask what is caring or compassion­ate about accusing a 95year- old great-grandmothe­r of poor parenting just weeks after her husband has died.

Not that any of this seems to cause the slightest iota of concern to Harry. He’s so high on his own drama, so busy monetising his own neuroses, he has no concept of the pain he is causing.

Quite what the Royal Family can do about all this is hard to say. But one thing’s for sure: Their anguish over Harry is not going away any time soon.

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