Daily Mail

We can’t all be as bold as Tracey


TracEy Emin had an operation last year to save her life when she found she had squamous cell bladder cancer. it seems to have worked.

She announced recently, t that she’s had the all- clear, which is marvellous — but it has certainly cost a lot.

as well as losing her uterus, o ovaries, lymph nodes, part of her colon, her urethra and part of her vagina, she has revealed: ‘‘i’ve got no bladder.”’ So for t the rest of her life, she has to u use a urostomy bag.

Tracey has been in the news, s showing off selfies of her ravaged body and her attached bags, with their terrifying, viscous liquids swilling in the bottom. ‘This is mine. i own it,’ she said, staring down the lens.

How incredibly brave of her to carry on making art of her life and her situation, despite the gravity of her illness.

However, i want to take a moment to say that not everyone can cope with their cancer in such a flamboyant way. yes, those with a difficult diagnosis might find Tracey Emin’s attitude inspiratio­nal. Others might not. and some may even feel inadequate because they don’t have her boldness or daring, or could never find it in themselves to blaze with such brightness in such a dark corner. But so what? Facing cancer privately and quietly, as the actress Helen mccrory did before her death, is every bit as courageous.

For those in a tight medical spot, don’t let Tracey’s public positivism make you feel negative about your own situation. Everyone just has to get through it as best they can, selfies or not.

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