Daily Mail

RhymeFor OurTime

- Nicola Crebbin, run director, junior parkrun, Harrogate, N. Yorks.

’Twas the night before parkrun, when all through the house, Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The barcodes were pinned on the T-shirts with care, In hopes that Dad wouldn’t forget they were there. The children were nestled all snug in their beds, While visions of warm-ups danced in their heads. With Mum snoring loudly and Dad’s dribbly chin, They were warm and settled for their usual lie-in. When out of the blue the alarm started to chime, Kids sprang from their beds and shouted: ‘It’s time!’ Away to the window they flew like a flash, Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash. The sun had risen, too early for some, Mum and Dad were regretting last night’s rum. When what to my bleary eyes did appear, But a strong coffee and the kids’ running gear. With kids all dressed, and full of fun, I knew in a moment it must be parkrun. More than a year had passed since they’d been in the park, Running with friends and having a lark. Covid had stopped them all in their tracks, But now it was safe, and time for the comeback. More rapid than ferrets they flew round the course, Crowds whistled and shouted with tremendous force: ‘Now, Xavier! Now, Summer! Now Archer and Warren! On, Charlotte! On, Rashid! On, Tyler and Loren! To the top of the hill! And past the wall! Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!’ As leaves that before the wild hurricane fly, When they met with a friend, laughter filled the sky. So up to the finish line the kids they flew, With lungs full of stitch, and photo finish, too — And then, in a twinkling, they collected their token, Out of breath, there was nay a word spoken. Up to the scanners with wobbly legs, With dreams of PBs filling their heads. The tail walker arrives to signal the end, Cones are collected, volunteers are a godsend! The run director breathes a sigh of relief, No fallers, no tears, no parental grief. Hooray we’re back! We missed you like crazy Now time to prepare the roast beef and gravy!

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