Daily Mail



Scientific terms decoded. This week: ESR (erythrocyt­e sedimentat­ion rate) IF YOU’VE had blood tests for an infection, you probably had your erythrocyt­e sedimentat­ion rate (ESR) checked — even if you didn’t realise.

This blood test measures inflammati­on levels. As well as infection, it can point to conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, and monitor them.

The test evaluates the rate at which red blood cells fall in a test tube. The word ‘erythrocyt­e’ means red blood cells and ‘sedimentat­ion’ describes their movement.

In a patient with little inflammati­on, the cells fall slowly, leaving plasma (the straw-coloured liquid in blood) at the top. With higher levels of inflammati­on, cells fall faster.

This is because there are more proteins, which are generated as part of the body’s defence mechanism against infection.

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