Daily Mail

Dominic Sandbrook

20 years after the War on Terror began, the West’s abandoning Afghanista­n and Iraq’s still in chaos. What a bitter legacy, paid for in blood, of...

- By Dominic Sandbrook

The scene is only too familiar. On the dusty plains of Afghanista­n, a trail of refugees heads for the beleaguere­d capital. On the streets of Kabul, a car bomb outside the home of the defence minister kills eight people.

In the western city of herat, people huddle in their homes as enemy rockets pound down. And in the southern province of helmand — where hundreds of British servicemen lost their lives in recent years — dozens of civilian bodies lie rotting on the country roads.

Such is the news from Afghanista­n, where the resurgent Taliban have made extraordin­ary gains in recent days. Across much of the country, their white flag now flies unchecked.

You might be forgiven for thinking you’ve read this all before. It’s a quarter of a century since the Taliban swept to power in much of Afghanista­n, imposing a hideously oppressive Islamist regime that treated women as slaves and banned films, TV, music and dancing.


Perhaps more significan­tly, in just a few weeks it will be exactly 20 years since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 in New York and Washington.

It was in reaction to these atrocities that Tony Blair and George W. Bush launched Operation enduring Freedom, promising to dismantle the alQaeda terrorist camps, overthrow the Taliban and usher the Afghan people into a brave new world of democracy.

‘Operation enduring Freedom’. how blackly ironic that name sounds today!

For the Afghan people, the cause of freedom now hangs by a thread. ever since the spring, when President Joe Biden announced that the last U.S. personnel would leave at the end of this month, the Taliban have swept across much of the country.

Only a few weeks ago, U.S. intelligen­ce analysts reportedly warned that without Western interventi­on, the government in Kabul might have only six months left. And now, with an estimated 85,000 Taliban fighters pressing towards the capital, that bleak prognosis looks decidedly optimistic.

Yet this is merely part of a bigger picture.

Twenty years after the War on Terror began, it’s time that we took a long, unsparing look at what it really achieved.

To revisit the news reports from 2001 feels like entering a different world. At the Labour conference, Tony Blair tells his party that he intends to fight for freedom ‘from the deserts of Northern Africa to the slums of Gaza, to the mountain ranges of Afghanista­n’.

‘Let us reorder this world around us,’ he says grandly, as if there is no limit to his ambitions. A few weeks later, his friend Bush appears before the U.S. Congress, pledging to dismantle an ‘Axis of evil’ that threatens the peace of the world. he names three regimes in particular: Iran, Iraq and North Korea.

how arrogant, how criminally naive this sounds today. The regime in Iran still stands, its position apparently as secure as ever. North Korea, too, remains defiant, having built an estimated stockpile of some 40 nuclear weapons.


As for Iraq, that desperatel­y sad story is only too familiar. however you measure it, the carnage since the AngloAmeri­can invasion of 2003 has cost at least 150,000 lives, and perhaps more than a million.

I say ‘has cost’, rather than ‘cost’, because Iraq is still not at peace. It has never been at peace. even now, the Baghdad government and its Western sponsors are fighting a lowlevel Islamist insurgency, with bombings and killings almost every single day. What, then, is the verdict on the War on Terror?

There’s no doubt that some of its progenitor­s, at least, had noble motives. When Blair says he genuinely wanted to export Western freedoms to Afghanista­n and Iraq, I believe him.

But the verdict must be utterly damning.

how can this naive, undefined, unachievab­le crusade go down as anything other than a catastroph­ic failure?

Take the cost in lives first. Some 456 British servicemen and MoD civilians were killed in Afghanista­n, and a further 179 in Iraq. And for what?

As the Taliban surge towards Kabul, many of the bereaved must be asking themselves: was it all in vain?


It would be utterly foolish to pretend that this is the outcome we wanted.

Then there’s the cost. In June this year, the Ministry of Defence admitted that the war in Afghanista­n cost British taxpayers a staggering £22 billion, with the campaign in Iraq estimated to have cost a further £10 billion.

The grim irony, of course, is that our politician­s blew all that money just before the financial crisis of 20078, from which the Western economy has never really recovered. And given that Britain was about to be plunged into a long period of economic austerity, don’t you wish we had saved it for other things?

The greatest cost of all, though, is much harder to measure. It’s the price in moral capital and political credibilit­y, which Britain and the U.S. are still paying to this day.

Believe it or not, the invasion of Afghanista­n was much closer in time to the end of the Cold War than it is to us today. The U.S. was the world’s unchalleng­ed ‘hyperpower’, the march of democracy seemed unstoppabl­e and some American thinkers were even proclaimin­g the ‘end of history’.

The events of the last two decades, however, turned that story on its head. For the Iraqi people, the Allied invasion

brought a living nightmare. For the people of Afghanista­n, meanwhile, it brought a gruelling, apparently interminab­le campaign, which now seems likely to end as it began — with the Taliban as masters of their native land.

No wonder, then, that America’s image abroad has plummeted over the last 20 years. According to the respected Pew Research Center, people in almost every major Western country now have an unfavourab­le impression of the U.S.

In Japan, its popularity has dropped by 30 per cent since 2001. In France, too, it has fallen by 30 per cent, in Germany by almost 50 per cent. And what of faith in democracy — the one thing for which Blair and Bush claimed they were fighting?

According to a massive internatio­nal study by Cambridge University, satisfacti­on with democracy has never been lower. In almost every country on earth, faith in the Western capitalist model has plummeted in the last 20 years – especially among the young, to whom the wars in Afghanista­n and Iraq are simply incomprehe­nsible.

And here’s another brutal irony. At the very point when Britain and the U.S. were wasting so much money and so many lives on their Middle Eastern misadventu­res, the real threats to Western democracy were hauling themselves off the canvas and preparing to rebuild.

The winners of the War on Terror were not the British and American people, and still less the people of Afghanista­n and Iraq. They were Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, the authoritar­ian strongmen of Russia and China, who watched with undisguise­d satisfacti­on as the Western powers discredite­d their own values.

That, I think, was the real legacy of the past 20 years: a shattering reversal of Western progress, for which we will be paying — quite literally — for the rest of our lives.

But perhaps it would be wrong to end by talking about ourselves. After all, the greatest casualties of the last two decades came among the people of Afghanista­n and Iraq themselves, who have never known a single day of peace since the War on Terror began.

Nobody can say how their lives would have turned out if we had left well alone. No doubt they would have endured more than their fair share of tragedies anyway.

What we can say, however, is that they have paid a terrible price for our politician­s’ hubris and folly. And if we fail to learn that lesson, it would be the greatest betrayal of all.

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 ??  ?? Front line: A Royal Marine under fire in Afghanista­n
Front line: A Royal Marine under fire in Afghanista­n
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