Daily Mail

I understand parents’ concerns, but vaccinatin­g is the RIGHT thing to do

- By Dr Paul McKay Dr McKay is a senior vaccine research scientist at Imperial College London

Any parent can be forgiven for feeling perplexed, if not alarmed, by the rapid reversal of the Government’s position on Covid vaccinatio­n in the under-18s. Less than three weeks ago, the Joint Committee on Vaccinatio­n and Immunisati­on (JCVI) ruled out the ‘routine use of universal vaccinatio­n of children’ as data suggested the benefits did not outweigh the risks for youngsters.

Yesterday we learned the jab is to be offered to 16 and 17-year-olds after all.

So what is going on and how worried should parents and their teenagers be about the claims and counter-claims on safety? Tens of millions of Britons are now double-jabbed – part of a coronaviru­s shield that protects us individual­ly as well as those around us.

But vaccine availabili­ty has largely been limited to adults. That has set us apart from many other countries, including the US, Canada and France, which are routinely vaccinatin­g all over 12s. That does not mean that we are lagging behind. On the contrary, assessing the benefits of vaccinatin­g youngsters against any possible risks is an on-going process.

And now JCVI scientists have analysed further data on vaccine safety and also taken into considerat­ion the impact of the pandemic on school closures.

They are confident that the jab is safe for teenagers and so issued new recommenda­tions.

This is good news. new infections are still flourishin­g – and largely in younger age groups – fuelled by the emergence of the more transmissi­ble Delta variant. Some people think this doesn’t matter, given that many youngsters appear to be largely asymptomat­ic and very few suffer long-term effects.

But it matters a great deal because they can still infect others – especially vulnerable individual­s, including those who cannot have the vaccine.

It will also matter a great deal come autumn when schools return. A surge in cases could have serious consequenc­es for the education of our youngsters and wider society. I understand this decision has been greeted with caution by some parents who worry about potential longer-term consequenc­es. And there is, I know, particular concern about fertility in the wake of reports of menstrual irregulari­ties linked to the vaccine.

Parents – and teenagers – are right to ask questions and they deserve honest answers. But too much of this debate is being played out in the lawless world of social media – often in a post from an anonymous ‘doctor’ or ‘my friend who is a nurse’ or someone from the ‘anti-vax’ movement.

SUCH accounts have assiduousl­y and shamelessl­y fed lies and misinforma­tion to the public from the start of the pandemic. This sort of content, steeped as it is in conspiracy and paranoid thinking, can prove more exciting than the dry pronouncem­ents of boring old experts – and it is being lapped up by the young. Well, I do hope young people and their parents will listen to this boring old scientist when I tell them that all the evidence shows that Covid vaccines are every bit as safe for the young as they have proved in the elderly who were first in the queue many months ago.

And as for fertility concerns, anecdotes and hearsay are no match for clear and rigorous evidence – and our evidence is that the vaccine has no effect whatsoever on the male and female reproducti­ve systems.

What we do know is that the Covid virus can spread to the reproducti­ve organs – it has been found in testicles and ovaries. In other words, any young person who is concerned about their future fertility should, in my view, have the vaccine. Getting jabbed is the right thing to do to protect yourself and others.

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