Daily Mail

Neo-Nazi’s plot to kill Asian friend with 3D printed gun

- Daily Mail Reporter

A TEENAGE neo-Nazi who wanted to shoot an Asian friend over boasts he slept with white girls has been found guilty of plotting terrorist acts.

Matthew Cronjager, 18, tried to get a 3D-printed gun or a sawn-off shotgun to kill his target, who he called a ‘cockroach’, the Old Bailey was told. He also shared Right-wing propaganda and explosivem­aking manuals online.

But Cronjager, of Ingateston­e, Essex, was sharing his plans with an undercover police officer in an online group. Cronjager had denied he ever meant to do anything and had renounced his extremist views.

His lawyer Tim Forte told jurors Cronjager fell down an internet rabbit hole and found a ‘buffet or loathing’ based on misinforma­tion and hatred and while he accepted sending vile messages, he was just a ‘keyboard warrior’.

Last November, Cronjager suggested setting up a PayPal account to buy weapons for the group. On December 13 Cronjager and the officer discussed arranging a drop-off location for 3D-printed guns.

He also formulated the plot to kill his friend after he boasted to Cronjager of sleeping with three white women, saying: ‘I figure we could just “find” a double barrel shotgun and saw it down for things like this.’ He added: ‘They’re like cockroache­s.’

Cronjager was arrested on December 29. He was found guilty of preparing for acts of terrorism and disseminat­ing terrorist publicatio­ns. He will be sentenced on October 18.

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