Daily Mail

Home visit saved me


HOW right sarah Vine is to look back to when a doctor saved her life and that of her son, and to emphasise the value of seeing a doctor in person.

I was ten when I went down with diphtheria, a big killer in the 1950s. Our family doctor had told my parents over the phone to put me to bed with an aspirin and I would be all right in the morning.

luckily, a newly qualified doctor who was just setting up his practice made a home visit and prescribed penicillin.

After this, my family and all the neighbours switched doctors.

DAVID WEBB, Wootton Bridge, Isle of Wight. I HAD a long career in law enforcemen­t, so know that no detective worth their salt would conduct an interview with a suspect or witness by phone. their appearance, conduct, body language and reactions to questions are just as important, if not more so, than the words spoken.

the same principle applies to the relationsh­ip between doctor and patient.

DAVID J. KNOWLES, Stockport, Gtr Manchester.

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