Daily Mail



I HAD a fantastic day with Prince William last week (right). He came to Dulwich Hamlet to discuss the Fan Led Review of Football Governance. For him to take the time and appreciate the problem we have in grassroots football, alongside former Sports Minister Tracey Crouch, showed a touch of class. Our meeting was slightly different to last time, when I went to Kensington Palace to record my BBC podcast with him and ended up having a curry while I was there. What an amazing experience that was. His people got in touch saying he wanted to promote his mental health charity, Heads Up, and of course you accept the invitation. That invitation is incredible by the way, on headed paper from the Palace and now sitting proudly in my office at home. This was serious business at Dulwich and hopefully we will see change for grassroots football with the review. Something must be done. One brief example: during Covid, when our league should have been helping, Dulwich were fined because they couldn’t complete the season without fans. The only source of revenue is the fans! It is so back to front.

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