Daily Mail

The movers and shakers...


Glasgow will soon be buzzing with dignitarie­s and politician­s – but this is not your standard conference in a Novotel with PowerPoint­s and watery coffee.

For a start, Sir David Attenborou­gh is rumoured to be giving the opening speech on the first day.

The conference is divided into two main zones: the blue zone is for politicos, dignitarie­s and negotiator­s; the green zone is for citizens, businesses, schoolchil­dren and campaignin­g organisati­ons.

Look out for climateawa­re celebritie­s acting as official advocates for COP26. These include singer and UN environmen­t ambassador Ellie Goulding, K-Pop band Blackpink, primatolog­ist Jane Goodall, and Lewis Pugh, the swimmer who recently swam through the Arctic ice to raise awareness of the climate crisis. Meanwhile, everyone is hoping Greta Thunberg, below, will make an appearance either in person or online.

One of the rules of the COP is that all states must be represente­d. As that means every nation on Earth, you’d hope to see a wonderful array of people from around the globe including, for example, representa­tives from indigenous communitie­s in the Amazon, who protect native forests and vital ecosystems on behalf of us all.

There will be billionair­es (they have the highest carbon footprints, so, arguably, should come up with big promises on how to scale back their emissions) and representa­tives from some of the most vulnerable – the poor who live on the frontline of climate change. And, finally, plenty of scientists, using lots of climate jargon.

Some will have travelled thousands of miles – yes, by plane; there is always an irony to these meetings – but because of Covid and a lack of vaccinatio­ns in the global south, some delegates will have to join in virtually.

COP26 is being called the most important meeting ever

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