Daily Mail



ANN DOWD arrives just in time for tea and we ‘reluctantl­y’ agree to share a bottle of Laurent-Perrier, even though I confess that I’ve been a boring, good boy recently; rarely touching a drop of booze.

‘Have you?’ she says, aghast, adding: ‘I haven’t. Full disclosure!’ Her natural warmth reminds me of her performanc­e in a film called Mass, which I’m haunted by. I saw it for a third time at the London Film Festival recently.

The script, by Fran Kranz (who also directs) is beautifull­y written. Dowd describes it as ‘this story about four people going through the unimaginab­le’. A teenager has died in a high school shooting. Dowd plays the shooter’s mother, Linda; her face a mask of grief and loss.

Fellow castmates — Reed Birney as her husband Richard; Martha Plimpton and Jason Isaacs as the parents of the dead boy — met to read through the script, then scattered for a few weeks before regrouping to spend three weeks filming in a church in Idaho. Dowd, 65, has three children. Raising them has not always been easy; but, as she points out, ‘the great gift for actors is that at the end of the day, we don’t go home with the consequenc­es’. She adds, softly: ‘My children are alive, thank God.’

Dowd, who has won awards for her cattleprod wielding enforcer Aunt Lydia in The Handmaid’s Tale, has been acting since she switched career paths — she was studying to become a doctor — when she was 18. I’ve been watching her on stage and screen for years, but Linda is her best role.

■ The picture will be shown in cinemas and on Sky Cinema early in 2022.

 ?? ?? Co-stars: Plimpton and Dowd
Co-stars: Plimpton and Dowd

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