Daily Mail



MY MONTICELLO by Jocelyn Nicole Johnson

(Harvill Secker £12.99, 192 pp) THE 2017 marches in Charlottes­ville, Virginia, in which white militants carried burning torches through black communitie­s, are the starting point for this fine debut by a young U.S. author which imagines a not-so-future America overtaken by white supremacis­ts.

It’s narrated by Da’Naisha Love, a student who, after an attack on her street, has taken refuge with her mostly brown and black neighbours and her white boyfriend in a grand house on the hill where Thomas Jefferson once lived.

Yet Da’Naisha is also his descendant, the product of Jefferson’s documented affair with his slave Sally Hemings. Her complicate­d relationsh­ip to her refuge informs this tenderly rendered apocalypti­c novella which largely jettisons dramatic set pieces for compassion­ate rumination­s on America’s fraught relationsh­ip between race and land.

As the group hunker down, rationing their food and increasing­ly vulnerable, the narrative starts to feel diffuse, but Johnson is an unusually sensitive writer, combining a mood of impending doom with language of soulful beauty.


(Bloomsbury £12.99, 160 pp) PROTAGONIS­TS such as the narrator of Pedro Mairal’s novel are a maligned breed in contempora­ry fiction: being male, self-obsessed, sex-obsessed and invariably having a mid-life crisis.

Pereyra, a flounderin­g writer, is also broke, and has concocted a mad scheme to cross the border into Uruguay to withdraw an advance sitting in his bank account to avoid paying Argentine tax.

He is also hoping to see a Uruguayan woman he can’t stop thinking about. So begins a bitter comic caper in which it’s scarcely a spoiler to say things don’t go to plan.

Pereyra is desperate to repay his wife who is financiall­y supporting him, even while knowing his actions risk his marriage and his relationsh­ip with his son.

It’s a stingingly anti-romantic book. ‘I guess the idea of family has changed,’ says a very much alone Pereyra in the final pages. ‘Now it’s kind of like those little interlocki­ng bricks. Everybody puts them together as best they can.’

DOG PARK by Sofi Oksanen (Atlantic £14.99, 368pp)

A NOVEL that opens with a woman gazing at a happy family playing in a park might ordinarily suggest a common-or-garden domestic noir about the fraught psychology of motherhood. But there is nothing average about this knotty thriller from Finnish author Sofi Oksanen, whose 2010 best-seller Purge set a story about sex traffickin­g against Europe’s brutal history of Soviet occupation.

She’s in similar territory here with a densely plotted story narrated by Olenka, a Ukrainian woman who has freed herself from poverty by being involved with a lucrative fertility firm.

She left Ukraine for Finland in 2010, but a former colleague has now recognised her, putting Olenka at risk for reasons that are tied up in the murk of post-Soviet politics but which, thanks to a slippery, back-tracking narrative, only slowly become apparent.

An ambiguous horror story about egg donorship and the black market, it keeps the reader equally balanced between frustratio­n and fascinatio­n.

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