Daily Mail

Palace lawyers on standby for Sussexit* documentar­y

*That’s what WAS known as ‘Megxit’ until Harry said the term was sexist

- By Rebecca English Royal Editor

THE Royal Family has not ruled out taking action against the BBC over the final instalment of its inflammato­ry documentar­y series probing their relations with the media.

Lawyers will be carefully watching tonight’s second instalment of The Princes and The Press to decide if the broadcaste­r flouted rules regarding accuracy and impartiali­ty as well as giving them a fair right of reply.

The first programme has already accused the royal households of actively briefing against Harry and Meghan, possibly with the blessing of senior royals.

The BBC has reportedly capitulate­d to Harry’s complaint that the term ‘Megxit’ – coined to describe the Sussexes’ decision to quit royal duties – was sexist. Tonight’s programme has instead been titled ‘Sussexit’.

In a recent online forum, Prince Harry said: ‘The term Megxit was or is a misogynist­ic term, and it was created by a troll, amplified by royal correspond­ents, and it grew and grew into mainstream media.’

BBC2’s The Princes and The Press has

‘Overblown and unfounded claims’

infuriated the royal households over ‘overblown and unfounded’ claims.

Royal aides are also angry at what they perceive to be the broadcaste­r’s failure to offer a proper right of reply against the more egregious claims by ‘pro-Sussex’ journalist­s in the programme.

They include Omid Scobie, author of the flattering Finding Freedom biography of the couple. He claimed – without providing any credible evidence or being challenged by presenter Amol Rajan – that ‘negative stories’ had been leaked about Meghan to ‘put her in her place’.

Mr Scobie said: ‘There’s been rumours that a lot of the most damaging and negative stories... have come from other royal households or royal aides. From my research and reporting that’s true.’

Airtime was also given to the duchess’s lawyer Jenny Afia, speaking with her express permission, to counter reports that she was ‘difficult’ to work with. Again her statement was not subject to scrutiny, particular­ly given that Buckingham Palace has launched an internal probe into allegation­s of bullying by Meghan.

The final episode of the two-part series is set to be even more explosive, with concern there will be suggestion­s senior royals, most notably William, ‘planted’ stories about Harry’s mental health.

William, who has earned plaudits for his long-standing campaign on mental health, is said to be particular­ly upset at the suggestion.

It was Harry himself who first raised the subject in a 2019 television interview, saying he had experience­d a resurgence of mental health issues that needed ‘constant management’.

At the time William was only reported to have been ‘concerned’ at his brother’s wellbeing after viewing the programme, which was considered a natural response. Sources go further, saying the suggestion any claims about Harry’s mental health were ‘planted’ are ‘categorica­lly untrue’.

All three royal households – Buckingham Palace, Clarence House and Kensington Palace – are understood to be in ‘lockstep’ over their reaction to the documentar­y. The Mail understand­s that no final decision will be made over what action, if any, will be taken in response until tonight’s final episode has been aired.

It could take the form of a robust complaint to the BBC governors or to watchdog Ofcom. They could even take legal action, although that option is more unlikely.

But it is clear that what has transpired in recent days will have lasting ramificati­ons.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have already banned the BBC from airing a charity carol concert at Westminste­r Abbey next month. Sources say forthcomin­g projects such as the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee are unlikely to be affected but William in particular is likely to ‘think twice’ about future collaborat­ions.

Insiders told the Mail last week that suggestion­s William and Harry engaged in ‘destructiv­e’ briefings could not be more wide of the mark. Aides were determined not to be drawn into a war of words, despite several inflammato­ry television interviews given by the Sussexes.

 ?? ?? On stage: Harry and Meghan in New York
On stage: Harry and Meghan in New York

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